Going Green: 8 Ways To Make The Transition Smooth For Your Business

Businesses nowadays are realizing the need to go green. Adopting sustainable practices is no longer an option but a necessity to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.

Go green

The driving force behind this trend is the growing awareness of consumers on the environmental impact of their choices. More and more consumers today are demanding products that are environmentally friendly and free from harmful chemicals. Consumers today want to hear about more than just low prices or high quality; their desire for the whole package now involves green products and services.

Despite its popularity, switching to more environmentally friendly business operations isn’t a trend that you can jump into without any forethought or preparation. So, if you’re a business owner who decided to go green, here are some ways that may help make the transition smoother for your business:

1. Get Your Staff On Board

Organizations that have a culture of going green are more likely to succeed. Therefore, your staff members need to beware of the far-reaching benefits of going green, including enticing more environmentally conscious consumers.

Most importantly, it’s essential to demonstrate effective leadership by setting an example. If you say you want to go green, make sure your staff sees you doing your part. Once your employees are on board, the following steps will be a lot easier.

2. Involve Your Customers

Consumers today are more likely to buy products from a company that has a conscious image. For this to happen, you’ll have to do some research and reach out to consumers interested in going green.

Make sure those people feel special by offering them discounts and freebies. You may also consider using a direct sales approach to sell your products and services.

3. Improve Waste Management By Recycling

Recycling polypropylene (PP) is now a cost-efficient service for waste management, making it a significant step for companies to go green. One ton of recycled PP has about 23% more value than brand new PP resin.

The rate at which PP is recycled is determined by the type of PP you’re dealing with. There are three kinds of PP: expanded, oriented, and linear low-density polypropylene. Recycling all forms of polypropylene not only helps reduce pollution but also allows for more sustainable solutions.

Waste management that includes recycling polypropylene can help you maximize the following benefits:

  • High Recycling Rate (HRR): It’s possible to recover and recycle PP almost 100% by using the method known to the industry as the closed-loop process. This is way more efficient than other recyclable materials, which can only be recycled 30%-40% of the time.
  • Less expensive than other types of PP: This is an excellent choice for residential and commercial recycling companies because it won’t burden their operating costs. They can still benefit financially from doing business with waste management service providers that include recycling polypropylene.
  • Environmentally friendly: The closed-loop process prevents degradation of the final product, which provides added value to recycled PP.


4. Avoid Jumping On The Bandwagon

There’s no doubt that going green is a trend, but you’ll have to ask yourself if it’s really what you want for your business.

As mentioned earlier, most organizations that go green just to follow the trend end up failing. When you announce introducing or even converting your business to green operations, don’t have unrealistic expectations. You’ll have to educate yourself first about the pros and cons of going green. It’s also essential for you to stay abreast with how other businesses successfully transitioned into getting greener before following suit.

5. Make It Part Of Your Business Plan

If you want to go green, you’ll need a solid and memorable marketing strategy that consumers can identify with. An excellent way to do this is by offering products and services that are environmentally friendly and provide significant value over time, which makes the transition more comfortable for consumers and helps build your brand identity.

Another thing you can do is to strategically offer your products and services to organizations that already have an established green image. Partnering with brands already known for sustainable efforts makes it a lot easier for you to build a positive reputation and consumer base in the industry.

6. Get Advice And Support From Experts

Experts and advisors can help you successfully transition to going green by giving valuable information and tips on what to do before converting your business. There are plenty of sources online that offers you free advice on how to go green, as well as how other companies transitioned into becoming environmentally friendly.

7. Promote Sustainable Packaging

Aside from using recycled materials, the packaging is what makes your product unique and attractive to consumers. However, it may also contribute significantly to the world’s growing pollution problem. Although there are many sustainable packaging solutions available today, you must choose one that suits your needs best. Understanding how your products are packaged will help you identify what to look for in a sustainable packaging solution.

One good way to promote sustainable packaging is by eliminating disposable packaging. Consumers are becoming more aware of the adverse effects of disposables, which means that they can be ahead of the trend and appeal to a broader market.

8. Switch To Renewable Energy Sources

Depending on the kind of business you run, switching to renewable energy sources may take a lot of time and money. However, it’s still essential for you to do this because the benefits are far greater than the costs you’ll incur. By doing so, you’ll not only be helping the environment but also contributing to your community.

For example, you can go solar. The cost of going solar is getting less expensive as time goes by, even for businesses. In fact, from 2006 to 2013, the price of solar PV modules has decreased by almost 70%.


Transitions can be difficult, but there are effective ways to prepare yourself and your business for the change. If you want to transition to going green successfully, all it takes is motivation and preparation. Doing this will help future generations enjoy a clean environment to continue doing what they like without worrying about problems caused by pollution.

Going green may be an overwhelming task for any business, but it won’t be that difficult if you’ll incorporate the steps mentioned above into your daily operations.


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