Refinansiering Av Gjeld (Debt Refinancing) From An Existing Personal Loan

Refinancing the debt of a personal loan means the existing debt will be replaced with a new loan with the possibility of a lesser interest rate or updated terms. Refinancing is an option to consider if the rates have fallen substantially below what they are on your existing loan, ultimately saving money, or if you have a need to take a longer-term in order to afford the debt.

Debt refinancing using personal loan

Anyone who struggles with repayment av gjeld (of debt) will find securing refinancing with lower rates to decrease borrowing costs so there will be less reimbursement on the overall loan. Plus, extending the term will allow the minimum repayment each month to drop, but that will increase the loan’s overall repayment cost.

Refinancing A Personal Loan

Refinancing a personal loan means essentially applying for a new loan to replace the current loan. You can either use the same lender or someone else with the funds with the new loan being used to pay off the old loan.

You’ll then start with repayments under the new guidelines, including the lesser rates and perhaps a new term if that was your choice.

Most people take the opportunity when struggling with repayment of a debt. The lower rates and the possibility for extending the terms allow better affordability. There are also occasions when clients want to add more to their loan and can afford to do so with better conditions. Learn ways to refinance debt and save money at

Does It Make Sense To Refinance A Personal Loan

It’s almost always a wise move to refinance your loan if you know it will save you money. You’ll find numerous scenarios that will help you to save substantially.

If interest rates drop and you can get in at a much lower rate, you indeed want to consider the option. Here are a few other examples when it’s to your benefit to check into a refinance.

1. Your credit score has improved

The ideal way to ensure you qualify for a refinance of your personal loan is if your credit score has improved since you initially took the first loan. It can help get a lower interest rate since lenders look at creditworthiness when setting the rates and terms.

If you were able to increase the score in the time you’ve been making repayments, it’s worth applying for a new loan.

2. The rate type needs to be changed

A variable APR means the repayments can fluctuate, making it difficult to budget monthly expenses adequately. Plus, there can be a continuous upward cycle costing bordering on costing more than you can comfortably afford.

You can refinance to a fixed rate from the variable rate so the repayments are consistent and a budget can be established.

3. Avoiding a balloon payment

When the repayment period ends, some personal loans require a balloon payment which is an extra-large payment than what is typical for the month. Many people refinance well ahead of time to avoid the excessive amount.

4. Your income was compromised, and the monthly payments are no longer affordable

Whether you had a downsize in your employment or lost your job, it might be crucial to lower your repayment expenses in order to be able to afford the costs. This would be an example where an extended-term can offer lower monthly repayments.

It won’t save you in the long run, but it will give you a reprieve from the struggle each month.

5. Paying the loan off faster is your goal

Some individuals actually prefer to refinance with a shorter term in order to attempt to pay their debt off faster. It takes careful consideration to determine if larger repayments will hinder other financial objectives in your household. Once you’re committed to the new loan terms, there will be no changing it unless, at some point, you choose to refinance again. Paying off sooner will save considerably in interest overall.

6. The fees are not an issue

You may face fees when applying for a new loan, including origination fees or application costs. With your existing lender, you might find they expect a prepayment fee due to the loan being paid off before the term ends.

Before applying for a new loan, figure in the various fees to see if it still makes sense to follow through with the refinance.


Does Refinancing Affect A Credit Score

When refinancing a personal loan, a credit check will slightly lower a credit score. Still, this dip in the score should only be a brief period, particularly for those who maintain the best financial habits going into the new loan.

It will benefit your credit score over time when you continue with regular, consistent repayments on the new loan. That means even though new accounts and inquiries can impact the score for the short term, you have the ability to turn it around quickly.

A problem can arise if you’re adding more debt besides your refinance. For instance, if you’re moving homes, consider a car purchase. These providers will inquire with credit. Refinancing when attempting these other things could make obtaining a new home or a car more challenging. Read here the difference between a restructure and refinance.

Advantages Of Refinancing Debt From A Personal Loan

The advantages of refinancing a personal loan will be based on your specific financial objectives. They can range from decreasing the cost of your overall loan to locking in at a much lower rate. Let’s look at the advantages for those who consider refinancing as an option.

  1. Improved rates: if the rates come down from what they were when you signed on with your original loan, or perhaps you increase your credit score significantly, you could save considerably on interest over time. It’s always wise to refinance debt if you will be saving money.
  2. Loan payoff: Anyone who feels they can make higher monthly repayments without struggling should look into shortening the term of their loan in order to pay the balance off faster. You’ll be paying less interest over the life of the loan, ultimately saving money in the long run, even though you’ll have the more significant expense each month.
  3. Extended-term: In that same vein, you can extend the term to make the monthly repayments more manageable if you struggle with affording them on time. While you’ll pay more in the overall life of the loan, you’ll no longer be challenged with the monthly repayments.
  4. Stability: Going from a variable rate to a fixed rate gives much more stability to the monthly repayments, allowing you to count on a set amount and create a budget for your finances.

Disadvantages Of A Refinance

A refinance is not the best idea for every situation. There are circumstances to consider:

  1. Additional fees: When applying for a new loan, added lender fees might hinder the savings advantages you were trying to accomplish.
  2. Prepayment Penalties: Some lenders charge a prepayment penalty when the balance is paid off before the end of the term. Refinancing means the old loan is paid off and replaced, so it’s wise to look into the existing loan’s terms to find out what, if any, penalties you’ll be responsible for.
  3. Higher interest: When you choose to extend a loan term, that will result in more interest over the life of the loan. If there’s a need to lower monthly repayment costs due to financial struggles, it’s still worth considering the option. It’s just essential to understand that the lesser monthly payment will not save you overall.

Final Thought

Refinancing a personal loan debt is always a wise thing to do if you’re struggling to afford your monthly repayment on time. You don’t want repercussions from missing payments or default when there are things you can do with a refinance to help make the situation somewhat more manageable, including extending the life of the loan.

While that’s not going to save you money in the grand scheme of things, it will give you a reasonable payment that you can afford and pay on time. Some people also choose to refinance when rates drop to less than what they were with their original loan and when their credit scores increase.

That can also make the loan more affordable. At the same time, others choose to shorten their term so they can get the debt paid off faster at a better rate. That means a higher monthly payment but considerable savings over the life of the loan.

However you choose to handle your refinancing personal loan debt, it’s important to make sure it will in some way save you money or take you out of a struggle.


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