Best Practices and Examples of Lead Generation with HelpCrunch Chatbot

Are you an online business owner looking for creative tactics to improve lead generation? Think of hiring a diligent assistant who will engage with potential customers 24/7. Yes, we’re talking about a lead generation chatbot.


This game-changing technology can skyrocket the number of quality leads in your sales funnel on autopilot. For instance, business leaders say chatbots have increased sales by 67% on average.


This is the question HelpCrunch experts will explain in this post. Find out proven tactics and best practices on how chatbots help in lead generation and increase the number of deals sales agents close.

What is HelpCrunch?

HelpCrunch is a customer communication platform designed to help businesses generate more real-time conversations with customers and close deals faster.


Thousands of big and small companies like HURMA, Fitlap, and RevenueGrid use HelpCrunch chatbots, popups, forms, and email follow-ups to engage with website visitors automatically.

Here is how it works:

  • Increase your website conversions by engaging visitors with automated messages.
  • Collect and pre-qualify leads.
  • Connect with hot ones right from your inbox by sending timely follow-ups.

Where to start? The easiest and most effective way to collect leads with HelpCrunch is a chatbot?

Benefits of Using HelpCrunch’s Chatbot Feature for Lead Generation

Do you know the main mistake businesses make in communication with potential customers? They use the generic form, banner, or popup CTAs on every website page and ignore the variety of visitors’ intents and interests.

That’s not just boring but also ineffective. Low target audience engagement, conversion rate into leads, and poor sales are only some of the consequences businesses face.

Here is how modern chatbots fix this.

Personalized Customer Experience

89% of consumers want to connect with brands over messaging. They want to be talked to.

Instead, businesses make people fill out numerous fields of a form.

Now imagine a chatbot welcoming visitors to your pricing page. In a chat, potential customers talk about business goals, company size, etc. Based on these responses, a chatbot offers a pricing plan that matches their interests.


Thus, you can offer suitable content or actions to enhance customer experience and convert more leads at each step of their journey.

Increasing Audience Engagement

Usually, businesses expect clients to move through the marketing funnel independently by following the text links, buttons, or banners.

Unfortunately, some of your audience suffers from banner blindness, and others – suffer from attention span. Thus, keeping potential customers engaged with your brand long enough to prove you’re the best choice for their needs takes a lot of work.

The fix?

Let a chatbot guide visitors instead of leaving them alone dealing with tons of website content. The 40% response rate of lead generation chatbots delivering relevant data through a simple conversation increases your chances of being heard.

Higher Conversion Rate

The online form is one of the most popular marketing automation tools businesses use for lead generation.

In addition to this title, it has another one – the highest abandonment rate. It increases corresponding to the number of fields people have to fill in. For example:

Webinar form

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Such an abundance of questions can overwhelm visitors.

The fix?

Turn the long form into a series of conversations and collect the data step by step.

Step by step conversion

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This form of step-by-step conversion eases the lead capture process and potentially improves the quality of leads and the conversion rate. Stats prove that the static form average conversion rate is around 3%, while chatbots can increase it by 10%, 20%, and more.

And the best part here is that chatbots do it non-stop ?

Instant Reactions to Customer Queries

Since a chatbot needs no sleep or coffee breaks, clients get instant replies to their queries. This is what people love chatbots for.

How does it influence lead generation?

HBR study showed that online businesses that replied to customer queries within the first hour were x7 more likely to qualify leads than those doing so after an hour.

Implementing lead generation chatbots increases your chances of capturing prospective leads who prefer to interact with businesses outside of regular business hours.

Chatbots Lower Cost Per Lead

Lead generation is a complex process that requires the time of many experts, for example:

  • Web developers who bring marketing ideas to life;
  • Chat operators who answer FAQs and assist them with product choice;
  • Sales development representatives who focus on qualifying leads.

As a result, the cost per lead can be too expensive for startups.

The fix?

Chatbots can reduce those costs by up to 30%. For instance, it can automate

  • handling routine queries like FAQs,
  • nurturing leads,
  • qualifying leads,
  • delivering them to your sales team.

In addition, deploying chatbots for lead generation doesn’t require web developers’ time (which is very expensive). Thanks to the visual chatbot builder and ready-made templates, you can launch a chatbot in 15 minutes without coding skills.

There is no need to hire more staff even when your traffic grows.

Here are some proven ideas for achieving such or even better results ?

Top Scenarios Businesses Use for Lead Generation with Chatbots

Generating leads is one of the most difficult tasks requiring testing non-stop ideas. Thus, we collected a list of the best tactics small business owners use to grow their customer base.

Share Free Educational Content

Among the most demanded lead magnets are e-books, guides, templates, industry reports, and webinars. Choose the type and craft content that is relevant to your target audience’s interests. Then, launch a chatbot that will offer to send its link to the visitor’s email.

Ideally, previously, ask a few qualification questions to personalize lead nurturing campaigns afterward. This is just what Varicent, the Sales Performance Management platform, did.


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After a quick lead qualification, their chatbot offers the “SPM 101 Book” in exchange for an email from a potential customer.

Depending on your conversational marketing strategy, you can ask for more information.

More examples of marketing copy for your lead generation chatbot:

Free content chatbot marketing copy

Offering a Special Discount

This is a universal strategy. It works perfectly for SaaS, EdTech, HealthCare, and sure thing, for eCommerce. To achieve the best chatbot efficiency, offer a discount on holidays like Black Friday or Christmas.

Here is how it works: a chatbot welcomes your website visitors and proactively engages them in a conversation by offering a discount. In a short omnichannel social media chat, it asks for potential customers’ contact data, name, etc., and sends a follow-up message with a code on their email/phone.

HelpCrunch followup conversation

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This bi-focal strategy brings online business owners qualified leads and sales!

Examples of marketing copy for your lead generation chatbot:

Special discount lead generation conversation chatbot example

Directing Users to The Right Chat Agents

Marketing initiatives aren’t the only source of qualified leads. Customer support can also bring you potential customers. For instance, chatbot technology can qualify and collect contacts from visitors who want to talk with your managers. Thus, it captures leads and helps you route customer queries to the proper departments.

If a customer has a tech issue, the chatbot defines that and sends a query to the tech team. The query will go to the sales department if it is about pricing.

HelpBot pricing query example

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Examples of marketing copy for your lead generation chatbot:

Chat agent for pricing query chatbot example

Booking a Meeting/Call

Chatbot is an excellent tool to automate scheduling demo calls, booking an expert consultation call, hotel, beauty salon visits, doctor appointments, or making reservations. Each of these processes can be a source of qualified leads for your sales and marketing campaigns.

Just imagine such a chatbot greets your features page visitors, collects their email, role, company, and budget, and sends them a Calendly link to choose a perfect time for a meeting.

Meeting booking chatbot example

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Examples of marketing copy for your lead generation chatbot

Meeting booking chatbot conversation example

Best Practices in Using HelpCrunch’s Chatbot Feature for Lead Generation

  1. Before building a chatbot, consider the issues you’re trying to address. It can be low engagement on social media, poor website conversion into registration, demo, or email subscriber.
  2. Boost the chatbot engagement with proactive greeting messages. Write a catchy CTA that’ll motivate visitors to start a chat. Use emojis and GiFs.

Call To Action - CTA

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  1. Be honest about the fact that people are interacting with a chatbot, not a human.
  2. The chatbot messages should be short. Break up long blocks of text into smaller pieces. Even if your product is complex, use simple words. ?
  3. It is better to launch separate personalized chatbots based on the page content, client status (new/returned visitor, subscriber or not, etc.), visitors’ behavior (exit intent, button click, page scroll), and traffic source (YouTube, Ads, Partner site).
  4. Improve your chatbot performance by tracking how many conversations your chatbot had, the number of collected leads, and where visitors drop off the chat.

In Conclusion

Keep your HelpCrunch chatbot spruced up with these best practices and examples for a robust lead generation process. Remember, a good chatbot loves a makeover, so ensure yours gets a strategic tweak every couple of months.

Stay playful, stay relevant, and keep those leads coming ?


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