Running a Boat Fleet: 5 Ways to Spot Marine Diesel Engine Issues Before They Occur

Are you running a business which operational involves boats? If so, I’m sure you’re aware that maintenance is one of the issues you need to address when running a fleet of boats.

Boat sailing

One that often cripple businesses is marine diesel engine problems. The engines are known to cause quite a few headaches to boat owners if not kept in good shape. Fortunately, many of these issues are easy to prevent and fix even with little or no knowledge of how the engines work.

All you need is a small array of tools and spare parts. However, keeping an eye on these issues and making sure they never occur in the first place is an even more effective method.…

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Policy Protection – Which Types of Business Insurance Are Right For Your SME?

Starting a business exposes you to certain risks. Fortunately, however, all businesses have access to a wide range of insurance types, to protect them from the dangers that could wipe out a small business before it has had a chance to take off. An experienced Business Insurance Broker, can assist you in reducing your exposure to risk, and find an insurance program that is aligned to your specific needs and objectives.

business insurance

There is no one-size-fits-all insurance solution for small businesses. Your insurance needs will vary according to the industry and type of business you are operating.

Here are the types of business insurance that every small to medium business owner should have.…

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How The Pharmaceutical Industry Went From Strength to Strength

Some industries have struggled of late. Post-Brexit anxiety has enveloped a number of areas of the economy, but one area that is thriving is pharmaceuticals. Manufacturers of medical goods and associated services such as pharmacy chains have done very well in recent years, owing to a variety of factors.

Pharmaceutical industry

The industry’s spending on research and development has helped to keep it going. Figures from 2016 reveal that half of the UK’s £16.5 billion of research and development spending came from pharmaceutical companies. Commitment to developing new drugs to fight dreaded illnesses such as cancer and diabetes has created jobs and opportunities within the industry.…

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How do You Market a New Product?

Launching a new product can be a daunting process, especially if you’re trying to break into a specialist or saturated market. Attention to detail and careful forward planning is crucial for a successful launch, which is perhaps best demonstrated by Steve Jobs and Apple.

On launch day, iPad managed to sell over 300,000 WiFi only units. iPhone 4 sold over 1.7 million units within its first three days, while iPhone 3G sold over a million units over the launch weekend. The competition for a successful launch is tough, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it if you follow these basic steps.…

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4 Ways to Protect Your Business from Product Liability Claims

No product is truly safe from risks, but it’s your responsibility to strive for that goal whenever you design and manufacture your products. Liability insurance is one way to protect your business against claims, but there are other steps you can take to lower your risk.

Liability insurance

1. Test Products Thoroughly

Products go through an exhaustive amount of testing before they launch, but testing shouldn’t stop once these products hit the shelf. Consistent and continued testing can help you pinpoint potential defects on the design or manufacturing of your product.

Without continued testing, you may miss a potential defect or design flaw that can lead to negligence claims.…

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How to Choose The Best Type of Ice Machine for Your Business?

Are you looking for the best type of ice machine for your restaurant, bar, hotel, smoothie bar, or coffee shop? With different types, styles, and sizes of ice makers on the market—it’s hard to know if you are choosing the right one.

Ice machine

We’ve collects some the steps you need to take, and the questions you need to cover, before you buy an ice machine.

Ice Machine Styles and Configurations

First check out the size of the space that you have available to put in your ice machine. Do you have a big kitchen space? Or are you looking for a small machine that can fit under the counter?…

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How to Use Net Promoter Score to Grow Your Small Business

Having an optimal net promoter score (NPS) is great for gauging how your small business is going to grow in the coming months and years. Knowing your NPS score is also essential when it comes time to consider securing funding from banks and other investors to grow your business. After all, if the overall consensus is that your business is highly recommended by past and current customers, it’s definitely poised for growth on some level.

Net Promoter Score

How NPS Works

This is likely going to be one of the easiest business principles you’ll ever learn. NPS is nothing more than the results of a very pointed question given to your customers: “On a scale of 0 – 10, how likely are you to recommend ‘ABC Inc’ to others?”…

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5 Writing Jobs: Which One to Choose?

Once a caveman took a piece of coal and wrote vague symbols in the cave, the first writing job appeared. Nowadays, we don’t need a special guy to write all of the significant events, so the job of chronographer already jumped the shark. Instead, other jobs appeared. We will start our overview from classical writing jobs that were popular from the 20th century and move to occupations that are popular today.

Creative Writer

When we hear the word “writer” we think, first of all, about creative writers. Therefore, we decided to start our overview of writing jobs with fiction writers. Such writers create works of fiction of different scales, starting from short stories and finishing with multi-volume novels.…

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4 Ways Boost Your Service Business

Running a service business can be a challenge. Word of mouth is what most service providers rely on to bring in new customers, but with the right strategy, you can attract new business without having to rely on previous customers.

Service business growth

1. Focus on Branding

Branding is essential for every business, but service providers often ignore this important step. Your business already has a name, but do you have a logo? If so, is that logo consistent and used across all marketing materials?

If not, this should be your first step.

Everything from employee uniforms to company vehicles, your website and even the stationary in your office should be a reflection of your brand.…

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7 Ways to Grow and Expand Your Business

Whether your business is struggling to grow or growing but not as quickly as you’d like, it may be time to invest in a new growth strategy.

Business growth strategy

Just like a tree that finds every possible way to branch out and grow to occupy as much “sun space” as possible, the best business policy will seek exposure to as large a customer base as possible.

Here are 7 ways to achieve that:

1. Install Wi-Fi Connected Sales Kiosks

Self-service sales kiosks equipped with powerful, up to date kiosk software can greatly expand your business reach. Not only can you install kiosks in-store or just outside your store within reach of the foot traffic stream, you can install them at key locations all over the country or even internationally.…

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