7 Signs Your Dealing With a Case of Workplace Retaliation

Even when you are working for an employer that openly encourages you to speak out and tell someone when you feel you have a problem with discrimination or harassment there can often be consequences attached to your action.

Workplace retaliation

Far too often, the tables are turned, and you become a victim as a result of your complaint. This frequently escalates into a situation where you are subjected to workplace retaliation.

You can always get professional help and guidance if you have a workplace dispute like this. You can book a free call with Stevens and Associates, for instance, in order to talk through your case and see what action can be taken.…

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7 Side Hustle Jobs That Future-Proof You in the AI-Powered World

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has caused significant changes in a variety of industries, affecting how people live and work. While some are concerned that AI will replace human employment, there is a growing recognition that it can also generate new ones. One strategy to stay ahead in the AI-powered future is to look into side hustle jobs that compliment rather than compete with AI’s skills.

AI side hustle

In this article, we will explore seven side hustle jobs that have the potential to future-proof your career.

1. AI-Assisted Creative Professional

While AI technologies can automate certain tasks, they often lack the ability to replicate human creativity and intuition.…

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How Your Business Can Contribute to Mental Health Awareness Month

The United States has participated in Mental Health Awareness Month since 1949. Each May, we come together as a nation to raise mental health awareness and break down the stigmas and stereotypes surrounding mental illness. Mental health awareness and care have come a long way since Mental Health Awareness Month was first observed, but there’s always more work to be done.

Supportive workplace

As a business owner, there’s a lot you can do to promote Mental Health Awareness Month. You have influence and a platform you can use for good. Here are just some of the ways your business can contribute positively to Mental Health Awareness Month.…

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4 Ways Having a Degree Opens Your Mind to Start-Up Opportunities

We currently live in a highly dynamic and competitive business landscape where there is space for unique ideas. Having a degree in today’s date goes beyond the realms of acquiring knowledge and basic skills.

Learning businessman

Instead, a college degree serves as a catalyst that drives personal growth and opens up creative and critical thinking abilities in individuals. For example, acquiring a masters in reading education can open up extensive opportunities in the field of teaching. Similarly, it instills better transparency in innovative start-up ideas and opportunities.

This article will explore the top 4 ways having a degree opens up your mind and your road to becoming an entrepreneur.…

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How To Tap Into Your Creative Potential And Innovate Like A Pro

As human beings, we all possess an innate potential for creativity. Whether a person is an artist, a scientist, an entrepreneur, or a writer, creativity is an essential tool that can be used to help us think critically and solve problems. James Weintraub believes that when we tap into our creativity, we open ourselves up to new ideas and innovations that can revolutionize how we view the world.


So how do we tap into our creative potential and innovate like a pro? This article explores how to unlock and channel our inner creativity into tangible results.

1. Embrace Your Curiosity

The first step to unlocking our creativity is to embrace our curiosity.…

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How to Handle Getting Fired

One of the most stressful situations you can ever experience in your life is getting unexpectedly fired from your job. Working is essential to making money and sustaining your way of life, so a sudden change can leave you wondering what to do.

Getting fired

photo credit: Anna Shvets / Pexels

Finding any means of financial assistance should be your priority and unemployment benefits are your best option should you qualify. The eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits after termination entail that you must have been fired without good reason and earned a significant amount of money to claim benefits for.

While finding a way to financially survive is key, you should also figure out how you can perform better and prevent future job loss.…

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Top 7 Cybersecurity Companies for Information Security Grads

Cybersecurity has never been more important. Within the past few decades, instances of cybercrime have risen to epidemic levels, and billions of dollars are lost to cyber attackers every year.


Every individual and business is under significant risk of cyberattack every day, but they have hope: cybersecurity. Cybersecurity professionals are responsible for designing products and processes to keep people safe.

Currently, a shortage of trained cybersecurity professionals ensures that anyone with a background in cybersecurity can earn a healthy salary — especially if they work for some of the leading cybersecurity firms in the world. Graduates with UAG online cybersecurity degrees should look for jobs from any of the following top employers in the field if they are interested in significant rewards and meaningful work.…

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6 Reasons to Hire Your Children

Hiring your children to work for your company can be rewarding. However, you should comply with the set laws when employing them. Children under 14 years can’t be employed unless there’s an explicit exemption provided in federal law. Kids below 16 years employed in a non-agricultural setting in a business that you, the parents, solely own can work for any amount of hours and at any time of the day.

Family business

photo credit: Redd F / Unsplash

You can hire them to work in your farm in any occupation, provided it isn’t dangerous, for unlimited hours. However, you cannot employ your child in mining, manufacturing, roofing, and other hazardous jobs.…

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Creative Resume Formats to Capture Employers’ Attention

Standing out is crucial in a job market saturated with talent. But doing so without going overboard can be tricky.

Creative resume writing

Including measurable results in your bullet points is another way to show hiring managers your value. They care less about what you did at a job and more about your work’s impact.

1. Use a Header

When it comes to your resume formatting, you only get 6.25 seconds to convince the recruiter that you’re worth a full review. And a well-written header is an effective way to make this happen.

Use a headline that showcases your skills and experience or a summary statement that shows you are the perfect candidate for the position.…

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The Power of Taking on a New Language & Culture: The Mental & Emotional Benefits of Immersing Yourself in a Foreign Land

Learning a new language and immersing yourself in a foreign culture can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only do you gain a better understanding of the world around you, but you also gain a unique insight into the mindsets of people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Learn languages

Moreover, taking on a new language and culture can have immense mental and emotional benefits. Learning another language can help to sharpen your cognitive skills, while cultural exchange can open up new perspectives on life that may not have been accessible before. Additionally, immersing yourself in another culture can help to reduce stress levels and boost your overall wellbeing by providing an escape from the monotony of everyday life.…

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