Startup Shortcuts: Smart and Cents-able Ways to Make Your Little Business Look Like a Big Player

Starting a new business takes a lot of time: you have to decide between forming a corporation or an LLC, you have to find the right people to employ, and you have to build a website and/or find a brick-and-mortar building to rent or buy. When you first start, it may seem like it’ll take years before you are noticed by anyone.

Appear bigger

Fortunately, there are things that you can do while you’re still growing to make your business look like a real player. If you do a few things correctly, people will start taking notice of you sooner rather than later and you can claim your market share sooner than you might think.…

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Why Managers Shouldn’t Ban Mobiles From the Office

There’s an ongoing debate in the business world about mobile devices: Should they be allowed in office settings, or do they need to go?

Bringing smartphone to work

Some say that these devices cut down on workplace productivity. Others argue that smartphones actually increase office productivity, causing things to run more smoothly.

Maybe you are still trying to figure out what is best. While you’re deciding, discover some pitfalls that managers could face if they don’t let mobile devices stay.

You Lose Efficiency

Mobile devices allow managers to get hold of their employees quickly using means such as texting. Those whom you oversee will also be able to check their email and respond when they are away from their desks.…

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5 Ways Businesses Can Streamline Their Processes and Save on Manpower

Are you looking for ways to cut business costs? Guess what; there might be one area you could look at that could save you up to 50 percent of your expense bill by the end of the year.

Management team

Take a gander at the cost of skilled labor. For instance, we all know that starting a business requires good market research and an accountant or a CFO to ensure you make more than you spend. Then there is your business’ branding or image and the marketing of your product and campaigns aligned with that.All of these elements, for the most part, require staff to manage.…

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From Supply Closets to Multi-Facility Warehouses: Today’s Top SMB Inventory Management Solutions

Tracking inventory is essential in many small businesses, especially if you run a retail business. But there is much more involved in inventory management than simply tracking your products.

Inventory management

You also have to manage the pricing, the timing, the quantity of your orders, the best time for restocking particular products, the costs of your storage, and a lot more. A good understanding of your inventory is essential, and you must know how to manage it effectively.

Inventory management solutions give you much more control over your inventory, and they help to make this aspect of your business much easier for you, freeing your time up to focus on other tasks.…

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Does Clothing at Work Impact Employee Productivity?

The clothing you wear at work may have an impact on your daily productivity levels. If you want to do well on the job, you have to plan your outfits out in a meticulous and careful manner. Failing to do so can often lead to results that are less than desirable.

Businessman wearing business suit

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of classic mens business suits or more casual and easygoing attire. You have to make sure to dress for success every morning.

Attire impacts productivity

Attire can often influence peoples’ alertness levels. Studies indicate that people may be more alert and vigilant when they’re dressed in less casual manners.…

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Lessons Small Retailers Can Learn from Giants Like Amazon

The biggest brands in business didn’t become so famous by sheer chance. There are numerous smart decisions and careful planning that helped them achieve this.

Clothing store display

Every small business dreams of the day that their business can reach countless consumers from all over the world, but very few genuinely reach this point. Regardless, there is plenty of room for success further down the mountain; you just have to know which strategies to implement.

When providing retail services as a small business, there are many hurdles to growth and profit. If you learn the right lessons, however, it can be done.

There are a few lessons that any small retailer can learn from major giants like Amazon when building their business.

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SOC Reports: A Mini-Guide for Business Owners Who Want to Establish Credibility

As a business owner, you want to do everything you can to gain the trust and respect of your customers, This will not only help you keep the ones you do have, but will help you gain new ones as well. As you earn more and more credibility through hiring management consultants and/or change management firm – or even better, adopting organizational design process – you should see your revenue increase as well.

Preparing SOC reports

One of the best ways for service organizations to earn that credibility is to use SOC reports. These reports can help organizations identify problems with their services as well as let them know needs and wants of their customers.…

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Basic Essentials Every Lean Startup Office Needs

When it comes time to launch your lean startup, you and your employees will need a comfortable, functional work environment to conduct business in. There are a lot of considerations to make, depending on the industry you work in.

Lean startup office

There are common items that most businesses will definitely need to get started. While there are also plenty of traditional considerations that have been recently outdated by technological advancements and other changes occurring in the modern workplace.

Here’s a short list of things you’ll definitely need to consider outfitting a professional work environment with – without killing your budget:


You can source furnishings for your startup office almost anywhere.…

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5 Reasons You Should Be Taking Your Small Business Online

How can you as a localized small business owner, combat the growing online purchase market? Opening your own online store should be an option for you to consider. Providing the ability for your customers to shop online and either pick up directly from you or have it delivered locally will earn you more of your local market.

Online business

So, why should you take your business online?

It’s not that hard

There are an amazing number of tools already developed for you to use to build your online store. Shopify, Big Commerce, Weebly, and Square are just a few of the companies that have pre-built packages to help you get started.…

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Tips For Protecting Your Small Business Online And Off

There has been a ton of focus put on protecting businesses online, and that is an important thing to do for both your business and the safety of your customers. You should also be making sure that your business has protection offline. Even if you work from home and your business is all virtual you still have things, like your computer itself, that need protection.

Protecting and securing digital business assets

Having A Secure Business Space

Having a secure business space is important, even if you run your business out of your own home. That means having security set up, and knowing what to do in case you do get robbed.…

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