5 Steps to a Successful Marketing Campaign

You’ve got a great product, you’re excited about sharing it with others and you know people need it. Great! But if you don’t get that message out, or worse, get it out to the wrong people, all of your hard work will be for naught.

That’s why creating a successful marketing campaign is so important. Here are 5 steps to do just that:

Successful marketing campaign

1. Know Your Audience

Take some time with this step because it’s the most important. You have to understand your product, what it does and how it helps people in order to come up with your target audience.…

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4 Common Mistakes that Can Ruin Any Business Blog

In the modern business world, information is quickly becoming the most valuable currency. Thanks in part to the rise of electronic shopping, contemporary consumers are accustomed to researching just about every product before they make a purchase.

Businessman reading business blog

Indeed, even B2C transactions have become more complex and nuanced in this digital age. As such, companies that can write quality content –– and promote it effectively –– have a distinct advantage over competitors that don’t. After all, if a customer is willing to read your blog, they’re much more likely trust your recommendations.

Unfortunately, while many businesses understand the need for a professional blog on their site, considerably fewer prioritize their blog-writing process.…

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5 Ways That Will Help You Compete with Amazon

Amazon will always be the king of e-commerce, but that doesn’t mean there’s no hope for you in selling some awesome stuff. There are strategies that you can take to be a great competitor of Amazon.

Competing with Amazon

Keep in mind that you want to be optimistic and not someone who keeps saying “how will I ever succeed against Amazon?” When you are confident and willing to learn, then there’s nothing stopping you. In fact, there is so much to learn from Amazon optimization specialist. These experts can provide you with insights on what makes Amazon very successful.

Fortunately, there are also some tips and tricks that you can use to help you compete with Amazon.…

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8 Branding Mistakes You Don’t Know Your Small Business is Making

The startup industry is thriving today as the budding entrepreneurs have access to all kinds of nifty software and resources to convert their ideas into robust businesses. However, this also means that there is a lot of competition too, which is why branding has become more important than ever.

Although more and more people are realizing the benefits of branding and taking it seriously, many are making huge mistakes due to the lack of knowledge and experience. A lot of them don’t even know what these mistakes are.

Let’s take a look at the top 8 branding mistakes your small business might be making:


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How to Start a Blog in College

Whether it is a blog about college or not, many college students have recently seen starting a blog as a good idea. Many people who order custom essays are doing so for their blogs, because the dame time constraint swhich work with their actual education also apply here.

College blogger

Having a blog in college means another opportunity to learn how to write, and to do so in a much wider context than might otherwise be afforded by their education. A college student blog is a way of sharing how you see the world and yourself, and it can be a valuable tool for showing how college students grow and change through their various experiences.…

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5 Reasons to Take Business Letterhead Printing Seriously

A few folks are still skeptical about the role of custom printed materials such as letterhead and stationery for their business. In their mind business letterhead, printing is not much more than window dressing — something nice to have, but not an essentially critical part of your business.

It’s almost like arguing that brushing your teeth is a good thing, but not really essential to for day-to-day living – it can be true, but why would you want to not brush your teeth? Not only will you be a social pariah, but you will risk developing serious health issues in no time.…

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5 Effective Ways to Grow and Maintain Your Email Subscriber List

Having a great email marketing strategy is smart for your business. However, if you don’t have engaged subscribers, your message may be falling on deaf ears, and you may be wasting time and resources.

Maintaining email subscribers list

The first step to an engaged subscriber list is to strategically build your list, and the second is to nurture this list. Many businesses find great success with their initial email strategy, and continue to blast inboxes with information and promotions, only to find that open rates gradually decrease. Email marketing databases naturally degrade by about 22.5% every year.

The following five techniques will expand your audience reach and help make sure your subscribers are engaged and can help dramatically increase your ROI.…

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Your Business Needs to Be Listed on These 6 Cost-Effective Directories & Social Platforms

Does your business suffer from under-listing?

If you feel like your marketing team is doing everything right and still failing to produce the results you (think) it deserves, perhaps you’re not speaking to the right crowd.

Business platforms for marketing

Make that crowds, actually. See, Internet users aren’t monolithic. Just as every independently owned business has a unique mix of customers and fans, every social media platform and business directory has a slightly different mix of users and viewers. Your company — and its principals, in many cases — need to get in front of as many different groups of said users and viewers as its resources allow.…

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Website Needs a Blog

If you’re looking to boost your organization’s digital website, then blogging is a good way to steer your research efforts. Building a business blog for your website is beneficial in many different ways for your organization.

Business blogger blogging

You may not see the picture clearly, right now, but blogging has the potential turn visitors into conversions. Here is a quick breakdown of a few of the many perks you can reap by building a solid business blog.

The opportunity for extra information

When you have a blog included in your business website’s design, you have added opportunity to display more information about your organization.…

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Quality Content: Do Your Guest Posts Need the Improvement that a Professional Can Offer?

Getting targeted traffic to your website should be one of your highest priorities in marketing your business online. There are a lot of different strategies for growing your traffic levels, such as regularly posting on your blog and pushing out your content on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Hiring a pro content writer

But one traffic generation strategy that gets overlooked frequently is guest posting. Writing content and getting it published on other people’s blogs is one of the best ways to get more visitors to your own blog, yet many businesses don’t do it. Why is that? It’s probably because guest posting takes a lot of time and effort, and who has time for that?…

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