How to Choose The Right Logistics Plan for Your Business and Create a Lasting Relationship in The Process?

The importance of a good solid logistics plan in your business is paramount. Logistics is fundamental for many companies to go about their day to day activities. Simply moving your goods from A to B isn’t as easy and straightforward as it sounds, and when planning the logistics for your business, it’s important to remember that you aren’t just making plans for shipments. You also have things such as regulations, licences and taxes to worry about.

Logistics planning

Outsourcing your B2B logistics

On boarding a specialist and expert B2B logistics provider such as Tuffnells may be the ideal solution, and by doing so can let you get back to the general day-to-day running of your business.…

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Tips for Finding a New Executive for Your Company

There is a significant difference between recruiting executives and the typical hiring process. You need to employ advanced recruiting strategies when searching for the best top-level talent. Here we will provide tips for hiring executives.

Competent business executive

1. Understand the Position and Sector

Conducting your due diligence concerning the job position and industry is the first step of recruiting executive talent. Proper preparation is paramount when seeking the best executive for your team.

Begin by drafting the perfect job description. You can find plenty of job description samples for the position online. You can customize any of the appropriate templates to suit your position.…

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Understanding Your Credit Score

If you happen to be a person who generally takes up bank loans, then you’d perhaps be aware of the significance your credit score holds. Simply put, credit score is a numerical expression of a person’s creditworthiness. Credit scores allow lenders to access the borrower’s financial soundness.

Good credit score

What is categorized as ‘good credit score’?

Generally, a credit score in excess of 700 is considered ‘good’. If your credit score is over 850, you will fall under the “excellent” category. A credit score of below 600 is considered “poor”. If availing credit facilities at cheaper interest rates happens to be your goal, then maintaining a credit rating of over 750 is advisable.…

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What Time of The Year is The Easiest to Save Money?

No matter who you are, saving money can be a difficult game.

Maybe you’ve promised yourself many times that you’re going to try and put some cash to one side, but life has a habit of throwing hurdles in our way. An unexpected cost here or there is all that’s needed to scupper your saving attempts.

Save money tips

However, with a bit of planning around when to buy and save, you might stand a better chance of having a little extra come the end of the year.

Dry January

January is, by all accounts, pretty miserable, but, despite being home to the most depressing day of the year, it offers opportunities to spend and save wisely.…

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8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Career Change

A career change is an interesting journey — it always begins with the same question: what to do next? That’s the very first question one asks his or herself before considering a career transition. But how does that question come up? Well, first it’s a matter of how you feel. You are unhappy with your current daily bore and want to start again in a new exciting adventure.

Contemplating Career Change

The trick is that it takes a lot of thought when making such choices, and a career change is one of those delicate life shifts that can change your life for better or worse.…

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Just How Important is Customer Service?

We all hear so much about customer service, and the importance of it. However, in reality just how important of a role does it play in running a successful business, whether your store is a brick and mortar or online? All this talk about customer service isn’t for nothing — it’s serious stuff.

Customer Service Agent

The bottom line is it is one of the most important aspects in running a business that will grow and be successful. You can have every other aspect of the business in tip top shape; your inventory, your site usability, selection, price etc., but if you do not stand behind your products and support your customers throughout their purchasing process and beyond, you will not be nearly as successful as you can be.…

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Why Link Building Is the Best Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

Small businesses are constantly looking for valuable marketing and advertising opportunities, but are often limited by tight budgets or minimal knowledge on the subject. While there are hundreds of common marketing tactics to choose from, some are demonstratively more effective than others, with a higher return on investment, a wider range of effects, and a lower barrier to entry.

Link building benefits

Among these strategies is link building, the practice of writing valuable content for offsite publishers and earning links pointing back to the pages of your site. It sounds simple, and it’s true that you can learn the fundamentals of link building in the span of an afternoon, but it takes years to truly master.…

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5 Business Ideas that Can Help Students with Their Assignments, College Life, and Everything Else in Between

Studies show that most businesses fail in their first quarter, which is a pointer to how difficult it can be to create a venture and run it successfully. Thus, you must be ready to make mistakes and learn vital lessons. It gets even more difficult if you are a student trying to start a side ‘hustle’ without hands-on business experience.

Studentpreneurs discussing college business ideas

So, you ask, which are some of the best business ideas for college students? Read on to find out.

Student business ideas that work

Whether it is venturing into big business that involves a lot of risks or starting small, the most important thing is that you must hit the road running.…

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Marketing: 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Custom Stickers & Labels

The power of a promotional sticker is invaluable. They’ve been around for many years in Australia and they keep gaining strength as a promotional tool. With the emergence of social media, many people tend to focus too much on the technical side of marketing and forget about the golden oldies. Stickers never go out of fashion, they are long-lasting, attractive and cost-efficient.

Custom stickers on laptop

Here are 6 reasons to pay attention to sticker and label marketing to ensure you don’t miss out:

1. Versatility

In the beginning, stickers were used mainly as bumper stickers and for kids to stick on their school binders.…

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How to Gain an Advantage as an Entrepreneur With No Experience

Experienced entrepreneurs have a massive advantage over their inexperienced counterparts. They’ve learned hard lessons from failures, they’ve been in positions of leadership, and they’ve had time to build and expand a professional network. Accordingly, it’s no surprise that first-time entrepreneurs are more likely to experience startup failure than serial entrepreneurs who have started multiple businesses in the past.

Inexperienced entrepreneur

Still, everyone has to start somewhere, and there are plenty of anecdotal examples of entrepreneurs who found success their first time in the role. So what steps can you take to gain an advantage as an entrepreneur with no experience?

Get Your Finances in Order

First, make sure you get your finances in order.…

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