The Value of a Brand: Real Madrid Case Study

Real Madrid Football Club is not just a football team; it is a global powerhouse in sports branding. Known for its storied history and its ability to remain at the forefront of the football world, Real Madrid’s brand extends far beyond the pitch.

Real Madrid FC logo

photo credit: Global Panorama / Flickr. CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED

This article examines why Real Madrid is so famous, its current brand value, the strategies it employs to maintain and grow its brand, and the lessons other businesses can draw from its success. The club’s influence in shaping the landscape of global sports is profound, offering insights into successful branding that can be applied across industries.…

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Small Businesses Thrive with AI-Powered Branding

You can’t go anywhere without hearing about the use of AI these days. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changing technology for small businesses looking to optimize their operations and improve customer experience.

AI allows small firms to compete on an equal footing with larger enterprises in the digital sphere. Moreover, artificial intelligence will develop and offer more readily available technologies for small enterprises. But it’s important to set reasonable expectations and goals before getting started.

What Is the Goal of Artificial Intelligence in Business?

??Artificial intelligence technologies can help businesses achieve their objectives more quickly. Your company’s huge amounts of data can be used to its advantage.…

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How to Enhance Your Employer Brand With Company Swag

Team engagement and company culture are more important than ever. The Great Resignation is still raging, and teams everywhere want their places of work to improve.

Company swag

A strong company culture increases team engagement — and vice versa. In fact, when teams believe their organizational cultures are positive, they are almost four times as likely to be engaged than teams who believe the opposite.

Flexibility, hybrid work, competitive pay, and strong benefits keep your teams happy and working hard. If you’re looking for a unique way to take your culture and brand to the next level, though, start giving away company swag.…

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3 Internal Aspects Of Your Company That Affect Your External Brand

Branding is one of the core elements of a company’s life. It not only helps in creating your professional identity, but it also ensures that your company has a direction where it should consistently head towards. As studies show, consistent presentation of a brand increases revenue by 33%.

CEO and her staff

photo credit: Fauxels / Pexels

When we think of consistent branding, we often think of a company’s marketing efforts and everything that those might entail – its logo, its merchandise, and its ads. Another important aspect of branding is a solid digital marketing strategy. However, branding goes beyond marketing; here, we will look at other aspects of your company that are integral to your brand, too.…

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How to Secure a Connection With an Ingredient Brand

From YKK zippers to Gore-Tex technology, ingredient brands have impacted the fashion industry for decades. Now, at a time when more and more fashion brands are looking to make their marks in the industry, many are turning to ingredient brands to strengthen their products or add innovation to their existing merchandise. In fact, ingredient co-branding has arisen as one of the most widespread apparel industry trends in recent years.

Fashion using lycra

photo credit: Thomas Biasetto / Unsplash

Ingredient co-branding has added a wealth of value to the fashion market because it provides advantages for both parties. For the ingredient brand company, it’s a way for an otherwise “invisible” innovation to become a known—and desired—commodity.…

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Branding Tips When Creating a Business from Scratch

Creating a business can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience that allows you to build something from the ground up. Though it can be an exciting process, getting your branding right can be tricky when first starting.

Startup branding

Having some guidance can make the act of building a brand easier and more enjoyable. Here are some branding tips for when you’re creating a business from scratch.

Build Awareness

An essential part of branding your new business is getting the word out to others. No one can engage with a company if they’re not aware that it exists. Awareness can be built in a variety of ways.…

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6 Services That a Branding And Communications Marketing Agency Can Offer

2022 will be a challenging year for entrepreneurs, with most already getting their branding activities in order. The slump during the pandemic made businesses take a step back and revisit their branding strategy. Research has also found that about 69% of customers believed that the brand they trust impacts society positively.

Marketing agency meeting

Attention spans are shrinking, and it means that you only have a few seconds to make an impression. Your time may be as low as five milliseconds. Therefore, your branding efforts begin with your landing page. You can retain the services of a branding and communications agency such as

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Why Brand Strategy is Important

The most successful companies in the world, including Google, Amazon, Ferrari, and Walmart, all have something in common. Everyone globally can recognize their brands and know what those names stand for.

Brand strategy

Branding strategy is basically a foundational pillar of businesses. Just presenting a unified brand message may increase your profits by more than 20%.

In fact, many companies spend millions each year to craft the best approach to the brand. But this is not the only reason businesses work with a brand strategy. Other reasons include the following:

1. Stay Focused and Create Clarity

It is simple to wander around from one idea to another with nothing substantial to guide you.…

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Lessons in Branding: Companies Who Do Logo Design Right

Visuals are a big and important part of branding, and while many little pieces make up that brand identity, the first and most important thing is the logo. The logo is the entryway into your brand. It’s meant to be something people will know and recognize as soon as they see it.


photo credit: Lalesh Aldarwish / Pexels

When a brand has an iconic logo, it’s carries through in everything they do, from the packaging, and the website to the social media, and how people feel about interacting with it. That’s why coming up with a logo is an important part of brand design, and something that has to be taken seriously.…

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4 Reasons to Prioritize Philanthropy in Your Business

Corporations routinely use philanthropy to build a strong brand and reputation. Some philanthropic donations are in the form of time, but most are monetary donations. For example, billionaires like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, and Warren Buffet regularly donate to nonprofit organizations and charities, including their own foundations. Between 2014 and 2018, Buffet donated $14.7 billion and the Gates donated $9.9 billion.


What do billionaires gain from donating excessively high amounts of money? Their donations and involvement with meaningful causes establishes a positive reputation that creates consumer trust and tends to outweigh negative press.

Have you been curious about how philanthropy can support your business?…

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