How to Keep Your Business Safe From Cyberthreats

If you think your company is too small to be vulnerable to cybercrime, think again. It’s not just big companies like Target and Experian that face cyberthreats to information security and assets. Companies of all sizes are vulnerable. But, unlike Target and Experian, your small business likely doesn’t have the resources to recover from a data breach or other cybercrime. Sixty percent of small businesses that suffer a cyberattack are forced to close their doors within six months as a result.


That’s why adopting various risk mitigation tactics is so important in safeguarding your business from cyberthreats. By following a few simple steps, you can drastically reduce your chances of being targeted by cybercriminals.…

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How Agio helps Hedge Funds Improve Cybersecurity based on DDQ

For every hedge fund, Due Diligence questionnaires are an essential part of day-to-day management of the company. You will need these questionnaires to know the kinds of questions that your customers are asking. In addition to that, a DDQ can be the perfect marketing tool if you know how to use it well. However, one of the things that threaten the effective use of a DDQ is cybersecurity.

Securing hedge funds DDQ

The possibility of losing your information while handling these questionnaires is always reality. In addition to that, there are third parties that could use that information to harm your organization. To avoid these risks, Agio has one of the best solutions.…

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Backing Up Your Business: How to Keep Your Important Information Safe

The last 12 months have been another huge reminder that data security and information safety is imperative to business. As you will no doubt have seen in the news many times over the last few months, even the biggest businesses in the world aren’t safe from either security breaches or the significant financial cost of not reacting to them.

Business data backup and security

As technology progresses, cybercriminals become increasingly adept at finding ways around the system. Here are several ways to make sure you don’t suffer a security breach in 2019.

Be vigilant – you will always be a target

Unfortunately, it’s not just the large businesses with the ability to pay enormous fines that are targeted, either.…

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Moving with the Times: 6 Reasons Why You Should Digitalize Your Business Model

You can’t sit down and assume that your business is going to grow like wildfire if you haven’t adopted a digital business model. To be frank with you, it is a waste of time to continue hoping that your business will grow some day without a digital business model.

Digital business model

If you have been listening to what’s going on in the world recently, you’ve already heard about digital marketing, digital landscape, and digital workforce. But have you thought why those phrases have the most searches online?

Below are 6 reasons why you should digitalize your business model:

1. Mobile is Ubiquitous

The number of people using mobile phones across the world has grown and is likely to increase in the future.…

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Common Cybersecurity Problems Faced By Business Owners

Cybersecurity threats can come at your business from a variety of angles. Any time money and sensitive data are involved, there is a cybercriminal waiting in the wings trying to steal it. These criminals can operate from any location and are so digitally-savvy, they’re nearly impossible for authorities to catch.


New cyberthreats emerge daily, meaning it can be difficult for even large corporations and cybersecurity professionals to keep up on the latest security issues. Software exploits are the predominant culprit as face-to-face scams and data theft from banking and credit cards become harder for criminals to get past. To prevent theft and embarrassment, you and your employees need to stay up to date; reading up on the latest cyberthreats on Google News, social media, etc.…

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Are You at Risk? Lessons Learnt from Netflix’s Security breach

In 2017, Netflix became one of the many companies to suffer a security breach. A group of hackers known as “thedarkoverlord” had gained access to the then-unreleased series of hit show “Orange is the New Black” and threatened to release it online unless Netflix paid a substantial ransom fee. Although the breach threatened to damage Netflix’s credibility, the company decided not to pay the ransom and were ultimately vindicated.


Netflix was able to refuse the hackers’ demands for a number of reasons. Firstly, the majority of subscribers would rather simply wait a few weeks until the official release instead of visiting illegal torrent sites in order to download the leaked episodes.…

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Tips to Safeguard Your Connected Devices with IoT Security Solutions

A report from Gartner states that in the year 2016, cybercriminals originated distributed denial of services (DDoS) attacks.

Internet of things

During DDoS attacks, hackers exploited possible bottlenecks and security weaknesses such as common weakness enumeration (CWE) in IoT devices. It enabled them in hijacking the devices and turn them into the originators of domain name system (DNS) requests. The primary aim was to direct the real-time traffic to the DNS hosting provider by the name of Dyn, headquartered in the United States. The DDoS attacks afflicted companies like Twitter, Amazon and Netflix and caused them a huge loss of revenue.

To prevent IoT devices from such cyber-attacks, enterprises must convoy them with IoT security solutions.…

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It’s Time to Take Cybersecurity Personally

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) routinely delegate cybersecurity efforts to an information technology department or outside specialists. Given an SMB’s typically limited resources, method is understandable.

Cybersecurity education

However, the scope of cybersecurity threats and hacker sophistication have increased over the past several years. And that increase is forcing the evolution of an SMB’s cybersecurity function. In other words, cybersecurity isn’t just an IT issue. It’s a matter that the entire business and all its employees should address.

Cybersecurity as a Business Issue

Believe it or not, cybersecurity is a holistic issue for SMBs. To prove this, all you need to do is look at how your business is managed:

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The Key to Cybersecurity Awareness? Tell Your Employees to Slow Down

Do you have a cybersecurity awareness training program in your office? If so, what’s the central theme?

How about…slow down.

There are of course many tenets of a successful cybersecurity awareness program, but none more central to stopping human error and negligence.

According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2017 State of SMB Cybersecurity report, negligent employees were the number one cause of SMB data breaches.

Let’s look at why cybersecurity awareness is lacking and what companies can do to address the issue.

Don’t be Patient Zero

It’s not that employees are always aloof about security protocol—they just underestimate the importance of their personal involvement.…

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Things Every Business Owner Should Know About Hackers: A Crash Course in Keeping Your Company’s Data Safe


If you ask a group of people what they think of when you say the word “hacker,” you’ll probably get a lot of different answers. Over the years, our understanding of hackers and hacking has shifted. During the computer boom of the 80s, hackers were high-tech spies. Today, we imagine hackers as everything from burglars to vandals to inventors. But what do you as a business owner need to know about hacking to keep your company’s sensitive information safe?

Well, for starters:

  • The who, what, and why of hacking
  • Best practices for keeping your business’s data secure
  • How “good hackers” can help protect your from cybersecurity threats


Portrait of a Hacker

What is hacking?

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