Why Cybersecurity Is More Important Than Ever for HR Specialists

Right now, it seems like cyberattacks are on a steady rise. 2021 is already a record year when it comes to data breaches. Pinpointing only one reason behind it is impossible. However, the need for remote work opened up many opportunities for cybercriminals. The outbreak of COVID-19 allowed hackers to take advantage of remote workers and their lack of cybersecurity knowledge.

Cybersecurity issues

So how do human resources (HR) specialists fit into this? HR specialists are in charge of data that is attractive to cybercriminals, such as personal information, the list of clients, salaries, and so on. Not to forget that HR had to switch to hiring people online during the pandemic.…

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What Are the Five Elements of the NIST Compliance Framework

2020 was a terrible year for cybersecurity. According to Security Magazine, cyberattacks increased by 17% within the first three months of 2020, with more than 77% coming from targeted attacks. It’s clear that cybersecurity in America needs a complete reboot, especially because workers have started losing faith in their company’s data protection. In fact, 71% of Americans lack faith in their company’s cybersecurity measures, leading to more than 91% of companies increasing their cybersecurity budgets in 2021.

NIST framework

image credit: NIST.gov

With cyber compliance emerging as such a hot topic for businesses across the country, the National Institute of Standard and Technology’s Cyber Framework has emerged as a gold standard for cybersecurity.…

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8 Online Payment Security Tips for Small Business Owners

With the major transition from physical stores and buildings to Internet-based businesses, more and more clients are eager to buy products and services online. Irrespective of the size of your business, offering your customers the possibility to securely pay online is the number one way to immediately boost your sales.

Making online payment

While the perks of accepting client payments online are obvious, the potential risks associated with online transactions (and the prospect of being labeled a high-risk merchant account) can still prevent business owners from introducing this wonderfully convenient option.

As a small business owner, you realize that in case some sort of hacking occurs within your online payment system, you’re going to be fully responsible for that.…

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How to Reduce Risks in the Tech Sector

Since the arrival of the novel coronavirus pandemic, there’s been a period of revolution in the world of tech. Business has pivoted quickly to an entirely new way of doing things, with remote working, cloud storage and teleconferencing at its heart.

cybersecurity risks

And this transformation has brought with it a whole series of new risks. Phishing, malware and ransomware have all applied pressure to cyber security firms, and to the economy more broadly. The UK government estimates that the cost to the economy of cyber crime sits at around £27 billion per annum. That’s a figure which rivals some entire government departments.…

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How Digital Forensics is Important to Cyber Security

As cyber breaches continue to run riot and proliferate, governmental and non-governmental organizations continue to grapple in an attempt to find a long-lasting solution to the seemingly out-of-control menace.

Digital forensics is importants to cybersecurity

No single day passes by without an organization falling victim to a cyber-attack. According to a Clark School study of the University of Maryland, there is a cyber-breach on average every 39 seconds. Legislators are coming up with laws and policies to help curb cybercrimes from spiraling to uncontrollable levels.

Digital forensics has become a critical enforcement mechanism used to tackle cyber insecurities. As you might have realized, digital devices are quickly evolving.…

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3 Cybersecurity Threats to Look Out for in 2021

Cybersecurity threats have been around since the internet was first launched but they’re far more sophisticated than they once were. Small businesses represent a lucrative opportunity for hackers, as their systems are usually relatively easy to gain access to.

Trending cyberattacks in 2021

If you want to protect your company and your customers, take a look at the three cybersecurity threats you need to look out for in 2021:

1. DDoS Attacks

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack disrupts the flow of traffic to your website. In fact, it drastically increases the volume of traffic being directed towards your site, so much so that the server gets overloaded.…

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Does Data Encryption Help in Data Backup?

Data encryption is a critical feature in backing up processes that enhances data security among organizations and individuals. Cybercriminals are devising ways to infiltrate systems even with slight vulnerability. Administrators must ensure that advanced encryption measures are in place to secure data on the systems and the storage locations.

Data encryption in data backup

With the onset of mobile devices and numerous applications in use, more data is in circulation over networks. Hence, it is vital to protect your data using encryption technology. You can try using the ESXi backup software to protect your business with encrypted backup solutions at affordable rates.

In this article, we shall define data encryption, its importance in back up processes, and its pros and cons.…

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The Weaknesses That Cyber Security Hackers Prey Upon

Are you worried that you may get hacked by malicious opportunists online? Do you want to keep your digital information close to you and out of reach of hackers? Do you want to know what makes you vulnerable to hackers?

Hacking cybersecurity

No matter how well others protect their online information, it seems cyber security hackers always find a way around them. The recent Zoom hacking incident is a good example of it. However, there is still hope.

There is a way for you to secure your personal information online. It starts with arming yourself with the knowledge of the weaknesses in cybersecurity.…

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Common Cyber Security Practices You Should Never Miss

Industries have preferred to move their businesses online that have allowed them to grow organically. However, everything is not so bright as they are perennially faced with the risk of data breaches.

Compromized cyber security

The security threats in the industry are immense and can be estimated from the fact that 4.1 billion records were compromised in only the first half of 2019. There have been significant data breaches at Clearview and Marriott, with almost 5.2 million records being breached at the latter. According to the 2020 Data Breach Investigation Report from Verizon, 70% of the breaches were caused by outsiders, and 86% of the breaches were financially motivated.…

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6 Tips for Keeping Your Online Business Secure

The digital age has brought businesses a number of technological advances that make it easier to store and share data, communicate, run a business, make purchases, and touch just about every other area of our lives. Unfortunately, this also raises the risks that the sensitive information contained within electronic documents can be accessed by unauthorized individuals.

Cyber security

We have seen numerous data breaches break headlines where thousands of people’s personal information was hacked or leaked. This guide demonstrates a few ways you can keep your electronic data safer, so you can better protect your vendors, employees, and customers.

Change Passwords Often

Anytime you get a new device or computer, the machine will come with a default username and password that has been set by the manufacturer.…

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