5 Benefits of Email Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises

Digital marketing is said to have leveled the playing field between big players and small and medium enterprises. Of the many facets of online marketing, email marketing is by far the most effective, as it yields best conversion rates across the board. The high ROI, scalability and effectiveness of email marketing are just some of the factors that make it nearly indispensable for business growth.

Email marketing

Here are some other key benefits that make email marketing a must-do for small and medium enterprises.

1. You can get maximum results with minimal effort

Just go back in time a little and revisit those days of offline marketing where enormous money, time and effort was required to make your marketing campaign reach out to the targeted customer group.…

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Startup Success: A Formula for Effective Digital Marketing

As anyone with even a little business experience knows, getting a startup off the ground almost always takes more money than is available. One of the most important talents that startup entrepreneurs bring to the job, then, is an ability to make each dollar go as far as possible.

Digital marketing

Twenty years ago, before the Internet, startups had a hard time managing their marketing on their limited budgets. Television, radio, direct mail, location advertising and other traditional marketing methods were all unaffordable. Many businesses disappeared simply because they didn’t have a way to get their message across. With online digital marketing now, though, everything has changed for startups.…

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