How Refurbishing your Retail Space Could Boost Sales

High street retail remains on top in the UK, with the country’s 300,000 outlets competing with many more online shops to take around 80% of annual sales. Running a physical retail store is no easy undertaking, however, and whilst you can easily update a website by adjusting a few lines of code it is nowhere near as simple to keep up with shop maintenance.

Refurbished wine racks display

With the coronavirus pandemic leaving businesses scrambling to put social distancing measures in place, shopkeepers are finding that now more than ever their premises could do with an update. For shops though, maintenance doesn’t just mean keeping the place in good working order.…

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4 Ways to Transform Your Small Retail Space to Increase Footfall & Sales

A small retail space is an ideal choice for budget-constrained business owners as they don’t require a significant investment. However, making the most out of the area can be challenging, from making checkout convenient for shoppers to having enough ample space for your items.

Surfboard store owner

The good news is, with some creative hacks, you can make your small retail space look bigger and create unique experiences for the visitors. Below are some ideas.

1. Consider Tablet-Equipped POS

Retail store owners can replace bulky checkout stations with tablet-based POS (point-of-sale) systems to maximize floor space. Freeing up space means shoppers have more inventory to look at, and you have a more significant area to showcase that inventory.…

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