The Perils of Excessive Speed: Legal Solutions for Victims of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents caused by excessive speed pose significant risks to both truck drivers and other road users. When a speeding truck collides with another vehicle, the consequences can be devastating, resulting in severe injuries, fatalities, and significant property damage.

Truck accident

In such tragic events, victims of truck accidents may face a long road to recovery, both physically and financially. However, legal assistance is available to help victims pursue justice and compensation for their losses.  To get started, you can visit Sumner Law Group, LLC official website.

The Impact of Speeding Trucks on Road Safety

Speeding trucks pose a grave danger to road safety, with potentially catastrophic consequences for all those involved in a collision.…

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7 Common Errors with Truck Accident Lawsuits and How to Avoid Them

Just because truck accident fatalities are less common than with civilian vehicles doesn’t mean they don’t happen. In recent years, trucking fatalities have increased by 13%. It’s more dangerous than ever to be a trucker on the road.

Truck accident

Chances are, an accident may force you to take your case to court. This case could determine your future employment and your finances when dealing with an injury. That’s why it’s so important to educate yourself and avoid errors with truck accident lawsuits.

In this guide, we are here to help you out. Before you begin the lawsuit filing process, here are seven errors you should avoid with your truck accident case.…

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What Should I Do If an Independent Adjudicator Calls Me Following a Truck Accident?

Accident victims who have been injured in commercial vehicle accidents may be contacted by their insurance company’s independent adjuster. These adjusters assert that they are only there to ensure the victim’s safety and to perform an accident inquiry.

Truck accident

Regardless of the fact that these independent adjusters are compensated by the insurance company, they will behave in the insurance company’s best interests rather than yours. If they attempt to contact you following a collision, it is critical that you understand their motivations so that you can deal with them effectively.

Our goal is to assist you in obtaining the maximum compensation possible following a commercial trucking accident.…

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Semi-Truck Accidents: 3 Legal Options to Consider

Whether you’re out on the open road or jam-packed in traffic, driving anywhere near a truck is a magnet for accidents. Due to their sheer size and massive cargo, trucks are prone to a lot of factors that may impact both people and properties. In fact, one of the most common causes of truck accidents is jackknifing. What is jackknifing a truck? It is a term used to describe when a truck trailer pushes or the front towing vehicles.

Semi-truck accident

Although some road regulations may have been improved even further after years of consideration, the number of accidents won’t drop to zero at a simple snap of your fingers.…

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Accidents at Work: Common Causes of Truck Accidents

If you drive a truck for a living you’re more than likely familiar with the amount of truck accidents that happen in the Los Angeles area. Workplace accidents aren’t uncommon by any means and most employers do all that they can to keep their employees safe. However, when you’re on the road, accidents happen no matter how well your rig is or how prepared you are as a driver.

Coca-cola truck accident

Commercial trucks can present dangers to smaller cars and vans on the road which makes a truck driver’s job a bit more stressful. They have to be aware of everything around them.…

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