How SMBs Use Technical Writing Software to Their Advantage

As a small or medium-sized business owner, you know that technical writing is essential to your business. Whether it’s manuals, product descriptions, or user guides, having clear, concise information on hand can help your employees perform their duties, and your customers better understand what you offer and how to use it. To help make this process faster and more efficient, many SMBs have turned to technical writing software.

Writer using technical writing software

While many companies may be familiar with the features of technical writing software and its advantages to their business, some may need to learn how it can be used and why it’s beneficial.…

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11 Steps To Give New Angle To Your Old Content

tips for engaging online readers

When you’re an online marketer, it becomes a necessity to keep adding new angles when it comes to engaging your readers with content. This keeps your readers happy and looking forward to more. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel – just a few imaginative twists and angles now and then are enough to keep the blood flowing.

1. Highlight Words And Phrases

When you want your readers to pay special attention to funny bits, informative bits and quotes, make sure you highlight them. If possible, use a different font for quotes – perhaps even a slightly larger font size. Try to present your top keywords in italics or in bold, to let your reader know that the content is relevant to their search.…

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The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Writing Faster Articles For SEO

We all know the importance of writing quality articles for your website. Without great content, search engines can’t find you and visitors won’t stay on your website. If you write a bad article, people will leave. If you don’t write an article at all, you’ll never have the chance of being found.

There is a success formula I use every time that helps me generate traffic to my website through the art of writing articles. It’s not the conventional ways of generating traffic such as video marketing, search engine optimization and pay per click advertising. It’s the simple act of writing articles faster.…

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Why Accepting Guest Articles Isn’t As Easy as It Looks

Companies often put a large focus on how to submit guest articles and why guest posting is a great SEO tactic, but few consider how difficult it can be to actually accept a guest article on their own site. There are many different choices and different questions that a website owner needs to ask before allowing someone to contribute a guest article, but these questions are often taken for granted.

choosing guest writers for your blog

Unfortunately, not putting time and thought into accepting guest posts can cause website owners more headaches than if they were to take the time to research and writer an article on their own.…

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