Paternity Leave Guide for Businesses

When parents are expecting a child, it’s not uncommon in the modern workplace for new fathers to want to take leave as much as their partners. With a growing need for paternity leave in the last few decades, it is important for businesses to offer the right level of leave to minimise disruption and maximise employee sentiment.

Paternity leave

Important Information about Paternity Leave

Paternity leave can be awarded to new fathers when their child is born, adopted, or foster care placement is imminent. All eligible part-time and full-time employees can request paternity leave after at least one year of employment, whether they are considered primary or non-primary caregivers.…

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4 Tips for Making Sure your Small Business is Environmentally Friendly

Climate change is a critical issue that affects us all, and regardless of the size of your business, you have the responsibility to help contribute to a sustainable future.

Green business

By adopting sustainable practices, you won’t just do your part to help the planet, but you’ll also help to improve your brand reputation and customer loyalty. This is because with each new generation of consumers, sustainability becomes a more important issue.

If you’re looking to make your business more environmentally friendly, here are four fantastic tips to get you started.

1. Know Your Starting Point

If you don’t know how environmentally friendly you are, it can be hard to know what steps you should be taking.…

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Maximizing Commercial Energy Savings: Strategies for Controlling Costs

How much does commercial energy cost? It can vary greatly. The cost of energy depends on a variety of factors, such as the price of electricity in your area, the type of fuel used to generate it, and other market conditions.

Save energy costs

The cost of energy consumption in the commercial sector is on the rise, driving businesses to seek out strategies to reduce their costs. With the right energy management strategy, businesses can maximize their energy savings and reduce their environmental impact, creating a more sustainable and cost-effective future.

Track Energy Usage Trends and Develop Strategies for Reducing Energy Costs

The first strategy for controlling commercial energy costs is to track energy usage trends and develop strategies for reducing energy costs.…

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5 Equipment Rental Software Market Trends That Will Shape 2023

Businesses operate in a dynamic environment that includes technology advancements, adapting to a safer environment, and implementing different types of automation and innovations. Altering business operations for equipment rental software providers requires performing preliminary research on up-and-coming trends, the benefits it brings forward, and the challenges they posed.

Businessman using equipment rental software

Staying up-to-date on emerging trends helps businesses to be efficient and grow their business as opportunities arise. Here are five up-and-coming trends for equipment rental software to look at:

1. Increasing development of electrified rental equipment

Following the strict regulations on fuel emissions, there is a rise in the development of electrification of rental equipment.…

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Catching up from COVID

Business owners lost ground on retirement in the pandemic; cash balance plans may help them recover

Business discussion on cash balance plans and retirement planning

The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown wreaked havoc on businesses, as closures, labor shortages and supply chain constraints cut into revenues and profits. Businesses that have recovered are reassessing their retirement plan strategies and goals.

A recent survey from TD Wealth Management[1] found that nearly two-thirds (65%) of business owners surveyed made meaningful changes to their retirement plans in the past 12 months, including their asset allocation (31%), postponing retirement (30%) and lowering contributions (30%). Today, many are seeking out advice on how to make up lost ground creating an opportunity for financial advisors.…

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How Investing in Social Good Can Bring Value to Your Business

For years, the vast majority of the public has shared sentiments that large corporations operate in unethical ways that harm society. Thankfully, these perceptions are beginning to change as more and more businesses are putting effort into initiatives that benefit the public. Understanding how these types of initiatives can improve your organization can make it easier to start implementing them yourself.

Social good

Here is how investing in social good can bring value to your business.

What Is Social Good?

In recent times, the term “social good” has come to refer to instances in which businesses and corporations engage in practices that benefit the environment or society.…

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Build a Clean Office Culture in 5 Steps

Maintaining an organized and sanitary office is key to improving the health and productivity of your employees. When the work environment is clean, everyone in the office can focus more on their tasks and feel more at ease and stress-free. However, before these positive results can be achieved, there should be tidying practices that the management and team members must commit to.

Cleaning office desk

Considering how offices can be chaotic because of their daily operations, clutter, rubbish, and other debris can accumulate eventually. When everyone’s too busy with their deadlines, cleaning the desk and the entire office may have taken a back seat.…

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Abdullatif Al Shelash Reveals Why Groundbreaking Real Estate Is Redefining the Saudi Market

Sheikh Abdullatif Al Shelash says an innovative new type of real estate is emerging in the Saudi region — and it’s something that’s never been seen before.

Neom's The Line

photo credit: YouTube

With the population expanding, the middle class flourishing, and more women entering the workforce, all eyes are on Saudi Arabia as visionary dream cities emerge. Abdullatif Al Shelash says it’s time for the world to witness real estate options in the Kingdom that no one else is doing. It’s the dawn of a new, progressive day for Saudi Arabia with an unleashing of urban plans seemingly projected from the future.

Eventually, holograms, high-speed railways, and flying taxis are going to be on the menu for everyday life there.…

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Reasons Why More People are Choosing Tiny Homes in America

Are you thinking of downsizing your home and joining the tiny house movement? Tiny homes are all the rage, providing people with a more sustainable and efficient way to live in style. As small-size dwellings become increasingly popular, more individuals and families are taking advantage of this opportunity to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle on their terms.

Tiny home

photo credit: Rachel Claire / Pexels

From practical financial reasons to creative design solutions, there are plenty of compelling reasons why so many Americans switch from conventional living quarters to tiny homes. This article will examine why people across America opt for tiny house dwellings over traditional housing styles.…

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How Small Business Owners Can Plan for Rising Interest Rates in 2023

As the owner of a small business, it is a good idea to keep up with news about interest rates — even when the news is not great. While the rise in interest rates is designed to help curb inflation, it can also mean that taking out a loan can cost more, which in turn may negatively impact your small business.

Rising interest rates

To help plan for a successful 2023, despite the rise in interest rates, consider the following suggestions:

Assess Your Loans

If you are currently paying off a balance on a business credit card, the amount you are paying for interest will probably increase.…

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