How to Automate Email Campaigns Using Automation360

Digital marketing today is simply irreplaceable in communicating with your customers. Saying ‘hello’ on social media or sending random emails is not enough anymore, because everybody does that. For successful business, you need an email marketing strategy that will make your email campaign stand out.

Email marketing strategy and tool

If you’re looking for a new way of automating your email campaigns, please welcome Automation360. It’s a must-have tool in your email marketing routine, because it:

  • boosts the conversion allowing to set different email workflows depending on recipients’ behavior;
  • provides with endless variety of triggers, filters, conditions, actions, goals and ways of reaching your customers (email, web push and SMS);
  • upgrades the personalization of your email campaigns;
  • saves your time and simplifies your email practice.
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Understand How Customers and Other Businesses Research Goods

Businesses and individuals alike often research the goods and services they are interested in before they make a purchase. It is important that, as a business, you understand the ways in which buyers perform this research and why. That way, you can make better choices for your marketing and your website, ensuring that you get the right information in front of customers where they are searching.

Customer researching products

The Internet has changed the way people research, as it has done for just about everything else. Here are a few things you need to know about how customers and other businesses research goods:

Getting Company Information

Company information isn’t as readily available as it used to be.…

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5 Actionable Techniques to Improve your Outcomes with Content Marketing

Content marketing has captured a lot of attention these days. It has become one of the most notable digital marketing strategies used nowadays and for good reason.

Content marketing techniques

There are different forms of content that can be published and it costs only a fraction of other marketing methods. In addition, the conversion rates that marketers see through content marketing are six times higher than that of traditional marketing. Therefore, using content marketing has become crucial nowadays. However, the benefits can only be reaped if it is used in the right way. The content you create should be interesting and engaging to give you the results you want.…

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5 Things to Check to Avoid a Reprint

When you work in a printing company as long as I have, you start to see patterns develop. I have seen the same mistakes occur ad nauseam, and I have seen my fair share of reprints.

I am here to tell you that most printing mistakes can be easily avoided.

Don’t make the fundamental mistakes detailed below, and save yourself from the wasted time, money, and endless headaches caused by reprints.

1. Use the Correct Color Mode

In the printing process four ink colors are mixed; cyan, magenta, yellow, and black; to create your desired colors. Therefore it is crucial that your artwork is set to CMYK color mode when you submit your artwork to your print vendor.…

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How to Make Your Marketing Message for Building a Rideshare Business

Referral networks are wonderful tools to help speed up growth and expand the range of influence an individual or company requires to increase their client base. However, having successful referrers aid, you reach clients will only go so far. You will need to supplement the refer network with a strong presence.

Rideshare marketing message

Your marketing presence will include several initiatives that you will have to create and adhere to, and one of those initiatives will be your message.

Just to understand what we mean by the message:

  • Your corporate message tells everyone who you are, what you are selling and what makes you stand-out you from your competition.
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Why Dental SEO is the Key to Success of Your Dental Practice

Going to dental school and opening your own practice are two, huge goals that are now in your rearview mirror. However, the patients don’t seem to be flowing in as you believed they would at this point. Today’s dental field is an extremely competitive one. You must compete for patients through the virtual world or Internet.

SEO for dental practice

A website may be your next goal, but you’re unsure of its importance. Learn why SEO for your dental practice is so important. You’ll see an uptick in patient flow with the right mixture of online-marketing tactics.

Presenting Yourself Online is Crucial

The reason why SEO is so crucial to your success is because of society’s perceptions today.…

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Make Your Business “POP” With Eye-Catching Displays

If you want to attract more dollars to your business, start by attracting eyeballs.

The products that get the most attention are usually the products that get the most sales.

That’s right: whatever you have for sale, you’re likely to sell more of it when you grab your prospect’s attention with something as simple as an eye-catching “Point Of Purchase” (POP) visual display.

You know it’s true.

When you visit a store or shop, aren’t you more likely to spend time looking at products that’re attractively displayed? Might you not linger more at the counter where you find an attractive, informative, intriguing display?…

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How to Get More Millennials Coming to Your Restaurant

Millennials rank dining out as one of their top guilty pleasures. Ranking this activity even higher than buying electronics, apparel, beauty products and accessories. It’s a fact that over half this group of diners eats out at least three times a week, regardless how much money they make or if they have a family or not.


Millennials at a restaurant

People who’re aged 18 to 34 are the biggest demographic on the planet, recently taking the crown from the baby boomers who used to dominate the consumer marketplace. Most make good money and most important, they like convenience.

If you’re not catering your marketing to millennials you’re setting yourself up for an uncertain future.…

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3 Website Essentials to Boost Service Business Sales

Service businesses are interesting. Small towns may only have one electrician that has a monopoly on the industry, but other cities may have dozens of electricians all vying for the same business.

It’s a difficult situation to be in, but there are ways to use your website to boost sales.

Browsing business website

People flock to the Internet to review companies, search for the best prices and find a service provider to meet their needs. It’s an industry with many possibilities, and since there are many service providers (in most cases), a website needs to stand out from the crowd.

But how?

That’s the question.…

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4 Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing

Digital marketing in the modern age is a beast to be reckoned with. Although there are tons of people constantly studying the shifts in the dynamic of internet marketing, it changes so often that it can be difficult to know where to get a hold of understand exactly what you can and should do to make your business and marketing strategies more successful.

Social media marketing

While there are definitely more ways than one to market on the internet, social media marketing is becoming one of the most popular and least expensive ways to market is through social media. Here are some great ways to start social media marketing the right way.…

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