3 Ways to Easily Stay In Contact with your Customers

With so many different businesses vying for the attention of our globe of consumers, it can be hard to know what you can do as a business to ensure that you’re on the forefront of people’s minds when they are in need of the type of product or service you happen to provide. One way you can help yourself become a household name associated with your industry is to constantly be reaching out and communicating with your current and potential customers.

Direct mail for staying in contact with clients

To learn the best ways to do just that, here are three ideas for staying in contact with your customers.

Direct Mail Communication

Although many people may only look for digital marketing avenues for keeping in touch with their customers, some of the more traditional forms of communication actually continue to work well even to this day, including direct mail. According to Craig Simpson, a contributor to Entrepreneur.com, businesses should still be using direct mail because it’s personal, trusted, has great delivery, and doesn’t spam up people’s inboxes like email does.

It’s also a great way to stand out as a business if none of your competitors still use direct mail communication. This will help your customers to remember you and return to you in the future.

Social Media Communities

While there are merits to continuing to use tried-and-true contact methods, taking advantage of newer and more modern forms of communication will help you keep in better touch with your younger demographic. By using your social media channels to reach out to your followers or to market to your target audience, you can reach a large amount of people with only a small amount of effort.

To improve upon your current social media outreach programs, Sofie De Beule of Social Media Examiner suggests for businesses to personally respond to shout outs for your brand, use the feedback you get from social postings, have impeccable social media customer service and more to show to your followers that you value and appreciate them. If you can create this kind of culture around your social presence, you will have a better chance of keeping meaningful contact with your customers.

SMS Messaging Texts

Getting in on the SMS space can prove to be monumental for your business. With some forms of mobile marketing, you can only marketing to people on specific platforms or with specific phones. But with SMS, Jamie Tolentino of TheNextWeb.com reminds us that you can contact anyone with a cell phone number and that you have a massively high open rate of about 90 percent. With this kind of access, you almost can’t afford to pass up contacting this amount of your customers.

If you’re looking for a solution for how to create a better customer culture and keep in contact with your visitors, consider using one or more of the above options. They can and will help you to achieve your communication goals if you use them correctly and effectively.


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