Two-Way SMS Messaging: A Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever sent a text to a business and received a response within minutes or are you planning to set one up for your business?

Two-way SMS

Try two-way SMS messaging. With Two-way SMS, your customers can send and receive SMS from you through a dedicated number via a web-based messaging platform.

What is Two-way SMS messaging?

Two-way SMS is done using shortcodes or virtual mobile numbers to reach a large number of customers effectively. It turns the most convenient medium for messaging into a channel for conversations and expands the functionality of text messaging by giving your business a platform for two-way communication with your customers.…

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Customer Communication: 7 Tips for Communicating With Customers

As the saying goes, good communication isn’t about what you say, but what the other person hears.

Maintaining good customer communication

When communicating with customers, you want to be sure employees understand how to make an impact that leads to stronger relationships. Here are 7 tips for good customer communication.

1. Don’t Show Off

You’re a product expert and that’s impressive. But customers don’t need a long dissertation in response to product questions or feedback.

This is especially important to remember when dealing with negative customer feedback. Attempting to explain too much can come across as not taking responsibility for the problem or talking down to the customer.…

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Back to Basics – How Talking to Customers is Making a Comeback

It may sound obvious, but talking directly to a potential customer is one of the most effective ways to promote what you do. By talking directly, I don’t mean crafting a personalised email to a carefully curated mailing list. I’m talking about having a conversation face to face.

That’s where pop-up marketing comes in. You may have seen the pop up in its various, often trendy, guises – an unused shop front temporarily taken over by a restaurant, a corner of a public space dedicated to an art installation. It’s a promotional format that’s easily translatable to any and every type of business.…

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4 Ways your Business Needs to be in Contact with Customers

As a business you want to do everything you can in order to stay in contact with your customers. Long gone are the days when the only ways you had to reach out to them, old or new, was through the phone or snail mail. Although many businesses still send catalogs and sales cards through the mail, the best ways to reach more people are more technological these days.

Florist contacts customer

On top of that, many people and businesses are trying to grow greener, which means mailing less catalogs and even supplying email receipts instead of printed ones. Green or not, you may be interested in making sure you are reaching out to your customers, past, present, and future ones, in every way possible.…

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3 Ways to Easily Stay In Contact with your Customers

With so many different businesses vying for the attention of our globe of consumers, it can be hard to know what you can do as a business to ensure that you’re on the forefront of people’s minds when they are in need of the type of product or service you happen to provide. One way you can help yourself become a household name associated with your industry is to constantly be reaching out and communicating with your current and potential customers.

Direct mail for staying in contact with clients

To learn the best ways to do just that, here are three ideas for staying in contact with your customers.…

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