How Businesses Can Make Their Customers More Autonomous

Having an attentive customer support team is a key part of running a stable business. There will always be issues that prompt your customers to seek assistance, whether they’re eager to resolve problems with your service, looking to complain, or simply seeking guidance — and it’s vital that you do everything you can to be there for them.

Autonomous customer service

Image credit: Pixabay

But that doesn’t mean that you should build around being proactive with customer support, or even reactive. The more you need to be directly involved with minor queries, the less time you’ll have to put towards vital tasks like sales (or even your most important support issues).…

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Technology That Can Deepen The Connection Between You And Your Customers

Some would argue that technology has pushed us to lose touch with people and our surroundings, yet strengthened our connection simultaneously. On one side of the coin, a study showed the average person spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phone where they disconnect almost entirely from their surroundings. But, on the flipside, they could spend those hours connecting with people all over the world.

Customer relationship management

photo credit: Proxyclick Visitor Management System / Unsplash

For B2B trading, technology has only strengthened the connection between buyers and sellers – enabling businesses to connect with other brands on a more personal level through social media, as one example.…

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Benefits of Customer Support Outsourcing for a Small Business

It is 2021 and the adage “the customer is always right” is now more important than ever!

With millions of businesses in the market, from corporate giants to your local mom and pop stores, customer loyalty and retention is now more important than it ever was.

Customer support outsourcing staff

Since the beginning of the pandemic and even before, businesses have realized how critical customer experience (CX) is in making or breaking a business, how a good customer experience will lead to a positive relationship between the company and customer. T-Mobile has subscribed to a “highly personalized service” model for their customers resulting in CX remaining at all-time highs with net promoter scores up 60% in post-call surveys completed between 2016 and 2019.…

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Practical Ways to Improve Sales Through Customer Service

Your customer service team is on your business’s front line as the direct outreach to your target audience. As the golden ticket to success for any business, customer service should always be a priority and business area that is constantly being improved through innovation.

Customer service wins business

However, when it comes to enhancing customer service to maximize sales, the following practical tips and tricks are a great way to get started.

Implement Telephony Solutions

Telephony solutions, such as those offered by VoIP Provider, will benefit your customer service approach in various ways. Firstly, such services include accurate and detailed call recordings that are stored securely.…

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Why Should Quality Assurance at Call Centres Not Be Ignored?

Every manager loves the feeling that “they are doing everything right”. In this regard, it is imperative to establish dependable call centre quality assurance software for a better customer experience.

Call center quality assurance

To provide a customer experience worthy of imitation, you will, of course, require a unique call centre quality assurance software. Moreover, call centre QA is important for tracking performances and fixing agent mistakes.

Do you find it difficult to upturn older policies and implement contact centre quality assurance? Let’s find out the reasons why you should not ignore quality assurance at call centres.

What Does Call Centre Quality Assurance Mean?

Call centre quality assurance is simply how you track agents’ performances regarding a set objective.…

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Want to Win More Business? Be There for your Clients 24/7

Picture this – your company’s phone is ringing off the hook. It could be a potential customer calling up to inquire about a product. Or an existing customer is trying to book an appointment. Or worse, a dissatisfied customer looking to resolve a grievance. But no one is there to answer the phone because your office hours are 9 to 5 and you aren’t there! This is where round-the-clock customer service can come in handy.

Calling online shop customer service

It is undeniable that companies lose a lot of business if their customer service is not responsive. Whether you are a small business or a big conglomerate, having a customer service team is a must.…

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5 Proven Ways to Gather Important Feedback From Your Customers

Your team might think you know what customers want, but if you aren’t gathering feedback directly from them, you’re probably missing something. And blind spots like this can be costly for your business and your ability to satisfy customers.

Gathering customer feedback

Here are a few ways you can gather important feedback from your customers to improve your processes and/or enhance the quality of your products and services:

1. Website Surveys

If there’s any group of customers you should be targeting for feedback, it’s website visitors. They’re already on your page and are showing a willingness to interact with your brand. Why not leverage that by making a small ask in the form of a website survey?…

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Want to Improve Your Business’ Customer Service? Here’s How

Improving your customer service has numerous benefits that will benefit your business. Customer loyalty and retention levels will increase over time and this causes a ripple effect that attracts more customers to your brand. A customer-driven business can succeed in the business world because happy customers improve a brand’s reputation.

Stellar customer service

Increased sales and skyrocketing profits come when customers are happy and satisfied. Read on to learn more about the steps needed to improve your communication and support skills when dealing with customers.

Seeking Customer Feedback

Improving your customer service can be done by seeking customer feedback. Every business dreams of providing the best products and services, so understanding the importance of customer feedback is vital.…

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5 Ways to Boost Customer Experience Without Spending More Money

The customer experience is often considered an intangible, qualitative metric for business owners. However, it has real, quantitative effects on your company.

Business owner talking with a customer

A good customer experience is reflected in your retention rates, your referrals, and increased spending. In fact, 2019 data from Gartner found that “CX drives over two-thirds of customer loyalty, outperforming brand and price combined.”

While improving the customer experience can grow your revenue, you might not have a large budget to invest in it. Instead of spending more, check out these five unique (and no-cost) ways to improve your customer experience.

1. Build Your Brand Around Their Pain Points

Too often, companies develop marketing materials based on the company and its capabilities.…

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Tips to Improve Customer Service in 2020

The world is chaotic, to say the least right now. The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect businesses and how we do things in almost every way, but one thing remains constant—customers expect excellent service.

Customer service representative

Even though you may be working with a skeleton crew or navigating unprecedented situations in your business, you have to innovate and find ways to make it work even while facing headwinds.

Customer service can’t suffer, because your customers are just as discerning as they were pre-COVID, and in some cases, may even more so.

The following are some things you can do to improve your customer service and strengthen your business reputation at a time when it’s especially important to remain competitive.…

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