4 Ways Employee Wellbeing Can Grow Your Business

The mention of ‘wellness’ can bring to mind visions of new age healthy living hysteria, avocados and yoga. But if you ignore the hyped-up Instagram influencers and ‘naturopaths’ and take wellness for what it is, advocating and promoting better health and wellbeing, there are in fact a great many benefits that businesses can realise by implementing health and wellness programmes.

Motivated employees

Studies in US workplaces found that companies who run wellness programs experience 28% less employee sick leave than their comparators and saw a 19% reduction in absenteeism. When looking at the people within an organisation who are enrolled in wellness programmes, those that participated experienced 70% fewer sick days.…

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How are Business Analysts Valuable to Companies?

The process of getting insight into business operations to expose the cause and effect relationship behind failure or poor results is often managed by a change expert, known as a “business analyst” (BA). However, a lot of businesses believe hiring a business analyst is irrelevant or simply just an extra added cost, but in actual fact, they are highly valuable to company progression and evolvement.

Business analyst

Business analysts have a wide variety of responsibilities within a business. They not only need to understand the current business needs of an organisation, but they must identify and resolve any problems that may be happening too.…

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Incentives and Workplace Strategies to Motivate Your Staff

The average employee spends more time in the office than they do sleeping or enjoying time with their friends and family. When they spend that much time in the workplace, it is only natural that it is going to impact their mood and willingness to perform efficiently. As a productive worker is the biggest asset you can have as a business owner, finding ways to keep them motivated is a must.

Highly motivated employees

There are plenty of tried and true methods to draw inspiration from, however, these listed below seem to result in the best outcome.

Comfortable Office Setting

The space provided to your employees to work plays a major role in their ability to be productive.…

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How to Motivate Your Employees to do More

Study after study seems to confirm that happier employees tend to perform better at their job. Beyond this, a happier employee is more likely to work harder at their job.

Busy employee working hard

There are plenty of books on personal motivation and success from Chet Holmes to Tony Robbins. But what about motivating your own employees to work harder?

As much as we hate to agree, some of us do bring our personal problems into work. Others tend to look at work as a retreat from their personal life and as a place of solace.

Regardless, the best managers always seem to be the best motivators and can get their employees to jump off a bridge with them if they ordered so.…

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Why Major Companies Seek Certification Professionals

There’s plenty of advocates in the business world that support the strategy of getting as many professional certifications as you can or deem appropriate for your line of work. These individuals aren’t scared of a little extra work and time being invested in their career, especially if it means having a nationally or even internationally recognized certification.

Certification professionals

The adverse school of thought is comprised of individuals who feel that their resume, job performance, and experiences are certification enough – and a certification isn’t worth it. This may help them get by and land a job, eventually, but the best job seekers come certified for project management tasks and more.…

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Why Invest in Training Your Staff?

Without a proper plan in place including a strategic budget for employee training, organisations can’t keep pace with the competition and the constant need for transformation; their strategies will falter and their profits will vanish.

Staff training session

Here are some reasons why investing in your staff is a great idea:

Help Employees Work More Efficiently

Think of it this way, training people is akin to continually upgrading the most valuable component of any company. People value and essentially want to learn new skills. And if any of these people are to become the future leaders in your organization – it’s ideal to develop a robust internal talent pool – training, development and coaching is mandatory.…

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Being a Entrepreneur vs. Being an Employee: Which One Should You Choose?

Whichever side of the fence we fall, it might well be the case the grass always looks a little greener across the way. So, whether we’re on the path to entrepreneurship or are enjoying the security of being an employee it’s good to try and keep the pros and cons of both in mind.

Business people having a meeting

Whilst entrepreneurs can enjoy plenty of opportunities for growth across various aspects of their professional careers, it’s important to remember that there are also a number of advantages associated with being someone else’s employee.

So join us as we explore the various PROS and CONS of being an Entrepreneur VS an Employee…

Being an Employee – THE ADVANTAGES


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6 Employee-Motivation Strategies to Try (and 3 to Avoid)

According to a 2013 Gallup study, unhappy workers cost the U.S. economy as much as $550 billion. That’s because workers who aren’t feeling their best are less productive than those who consistently wake up on the right side of the bed.

In a piece about the study’s implications, Entrepreneur contributor Catherine Clifford encourages bosses to do more to motivate down-in-the-dumps employees. She notes that it’s “not rocket science.”

Motivated employees

“Workers want to be recognized when they do good work, have their personal life respected and have friends at work,” she writes.

Clifford identifies three important facets of what’s increasingly become a core concern for managers and business owners: employee motivation.…

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Ditching the Grain – 5 Uniquely Lucrative Career Paths

Are you someone who is looking to go against the grain in your career path? Does the thought of an everyday career leave you feeling a little bored and uninspired? If so, you may be someone who is more suited to honing your skills in a career that is more out of the box than the usual.

Foodies as a career choice

In this article, we will look at 5 uniquely lucrative career paths that you can look into. Why take the opportunity to do something that both excites you and ensures that you are able to live comfortably? Read on to find out more!


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How to Build Culture With Remote Teams

Culture is a hot button topic in today’s business world. Culture is the ideology of a business and what comprises its personality. It’s the entire ecosystem, and how people interact within in. It follows the idea that, in an encouraging environment built to sustain the organization, employees are much more likely to be happy, stay at the company longer, and do better work.

Remote working

And as modern workplaces continue to evolve, workplace culture is becoming even more important.

Remote work is another uphill trend. According to one survey of more than 15,000 adults, 43% stated that they’d done some form of remote work in the last year.…

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