4 Areas to Focus on to Make Your SMB More Profitable

Profits are the thing that keeps small business owners up at night. Sales might be increasing, positive reviews may be landing online, but if your business isn’t profitable then it could be game-over. No two businesses are the same, but whatever type of company you run, there are some key areas of focus for making your small business more profitable.

SMB Profits

Read on for 4 essential tips from insolvency experts on increasing a small business’ profitability.

1. The customer must come first

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Without an engaged and loyal customer base, making your small business more profitable is going to be an uphill battle.…

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3 Ways to Confront Your Business Fears

As an entrepreneur, your work probably inspires a variety of feelings throughout the day, including excitement, pride, happiness, and … anxiety, stress and fear. Thoughts like “Will I be successful?” “How will I get funding for this idea?” and “I’m not sure I really have what it takes” are not only signs of business fears, they are also defeating statements that can derail your success.

Confronting Fears

Fortunately, you do not have to live a business life ruled by fear. You can overcome them by learning a number of tips and techniques, including the following:

Recognize that Everyone Has Fears—You Are Not Alone!

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How To Handle Leave Management For Small Businesses

There are many different areas of operation that a small business owner and CEO is required to manage. Often, small business CEOs are tasked with managing HR processes entirely on their own. This is due to the limited HR budget small businesses typically have. Unfortunately, there are many nuanced human resources tasks that can be difficult to manage if you do not the proper expertise.

Employee leave request.

Thankfully, there are posts like this one available to help you familiarize yourself with tricky human resources management processes, like leave management. If you want to know how to handle leave management at your small business, keep reading below to learn the HR strategies that will make your job much easier.…

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Tried and Tested Tips to Keep Your Business Growing Fast

You often hear people emphasize that going into business guarantees financial freedom and how the richest people in the world are all businessmen and women but those same people fail to tell you how difficult it could be to make something out of business. Statistics have shown that most businesses fail within 5-10 years of incorporation, so starting, let alone, growing a business is not as simple as they make it seem.

Female entrepreneur

This is not to discourage you, however, there are indeed businesses that actually thrive. That idea you have in the cradle of your mind or what you’ve already started could be one of them.…

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4 Tips for Successfully Running Your Business From Home

Working from home has become pretty common over the last decade. The growth of the internet, cloud technology, and mobile devices has made it practical and cost-effective.

Home based entrepreneur

But what about running a business from home? Is it a good idea?

The Challenges of Running Your Business From Home

There’s no sense in sugarcoating the topic. Running a business out of your house presents numerous challenges. Issues that are commonly encountered include:

  • Restrictions. It’s not always legal to run certain businesses out of your home. This is especially true in residential neighborhoods with HOAs that have documented guidelines, restrictions, and covenants.
  • Distractions.
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Top Productivity Tips for Successful CEOs

What do all CEOs have in common? A desire to be more efficient, effective, and productive in growing their company. You have a lot of stress on your shoulders as a CEO, whether you started a business from the ground-up or worked your way to the top of the corporate ladder.

Take a minute to review these tips on how to streamline your responsibilities so you can kick productivity into high gear.

Successful CEO leading a meeting

Utilize Project Management Software

An important part of being in charge means delegating tasks that you don’t have time for. Take advantage of project management software that allows you to:

  • Create tasks for coworkers
  • See what’s being accomplished
  • Keep track of who’s assigned to what task

Asana, Basecamp, and Hive are all popular programs that are a dream come true for any nit-picky CEO.…

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A Trio of Smart Small-Business Moves to Make This Year

As a CEO of a growing business, it goes without saying that you want your company to be as successful as possible.

Now that 2019 has begun in earnest, this is a perfect time to assess your business strategy to determine where you were successful and where you fell short of expectations to help your business grow and thrive.

Small business CEO strategizing

Here are a trio of tips all small-business owners may want to embrace this year:

1. Engage with Your Team as Much as Possible

Do all of your employees share your same passion for small business? While they may burn the midnight oil like you, experts suggest coming up with new ways to make your team feel more committed to your overall vision and goals.…

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Beyond the Cubicle: Deskless Workforce Getting Left Behind

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 billion (80%) of the global workforce now works in a deskless environment.

Deskless warehouse manager

Strange, when one considers the digital shift that’s been occurring these last two decades, with many physical labor jobs having been replaced by automation technology and apps that can do the most complicated of tasks. Traditional deskless jobs still abound with people still working while on the move in construction, transportation services, retail, and healthcare – all sans-desk.

Changing landscapes in the workplace

Gen X worked so hard to become a generation of office drones sitting at a desk and changing the world from behind their computer and talking on their old-school phones.…

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7 Things Founders Forget to Consider

Starting your own business, being your own boss, building a cool startup company, choosing your own team, etc. All of this is very exciting and for many, a dream come true scenario. What stops you really? If you have a brilliant idea, motivation, and some money aside for investment, the risk of failure should be pretty small. After all, what drives you to success is your passion.

Busy startup founder

However, in all this excitement, new founders might experience difficulties with managing expectations and seeing things in other colors than pink.

The work-life balance

At first, the idea of being your own boss is lovely because, in principle, you can choose your own work hours.

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Functionality and Looks: How Important Is It to Preserve Aesthetics in Machine Design?

Ever since the Industrial Revolution integrated functionality with design and production, the world has changed at an incredibly fast pace. Products that were once expensive, time-consuming, and cumbersome to create have become efficiently and cheaply mass-produced, making them more popular and widely distributed.

Function vs looks

But just how far does machine design take away from aesthetics? In many cheaply made, mass-produced products, beauty and durability are sacrificed for cost. Yet aesthetics are often the focal point of engineering anything, so exactly how important is it to preserve aesthetics when designing machines?

What is the Difference Between Functionality and Aesthetics?

The word “aesthetics” comes from the ancient Greek word aisthetikos, which loosely means “to perceive.”…

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