White Label SEO: A Sensible Software Solution for SMB

It gets harder and harder to compete on the Internet as more competitors pop up each year. There are only 10 spaces on the first page of Google, and even the slightest bump down can greatly affect sales and revenue. Small businesses have limited marketing budgets, so new ways to compete are always a necessity if you want to stay ahead of the game. White label SEO is a way to branch out, leverage affiliates, and increase visibility across the Internet.

White label SEO

What is White Label SEO?

You can think of white label SEO as reselling SEO or allowing someone else to use an SEO product using a different brand name.…

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Today, Your Email is an Engagement Tool – PointDrive Makes Sure it Stays that Way

Gary Vaynerchuk repeatedly says that marketers need to do their thing in the year we live in. In other words, we need to focus on strategies that work today, not those that worked 10 years ago – or even just 2 years ago. It sounds like obvious advice, doesn’t it? Well, not quite.

Engaging email marketing

The funny thing is, so many of us are still doing what worked 10 years ago: buying lists, cold calling, sending spammy sales emails. These strategies are not nearly as effective as they once were.

You see, 10 years ago, your simple text-only e-mail newsletter would deliver stellar open rates.…

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Today’s Direct Selling: Referral Marketing and What It Can Do for Your Business

Even if you’ve never heard of referral marketing, chances are you’ve experienced it.

Maybe your mom held Tupperware parties when you were a kid or your friend is a Mary Kay consultant. While these are examples of direct selling, they’re also good examples of referral marketing – where passionate customers make extra money by selling products to friends.

Tupperware classic ad

But Tupperware parties are just the beginning of referral marketing’s possibilities – especially as fewer and fewer Millennials are willing to open their doors for the hassle of a party. It’s not that they don’t like the products; they’d simply prefer to share them on social media rather than invite friends over to look at them.…

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Innovative Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

The world of business is cut throat and ultra-competitive. It’s an arena where only the strongest ideas and the hardest working people can really succeed. To get by in this often harsh and unrelenting climate, you have to think differently and work creatively. This is particularly true when it comes to marketing, as the way you choose to advertise your business to a target audience can have a massive effect on your success as a company.

LinkedIn local event participation

Coming up with fresh new creative strategies can become a headache, so here are some examples of marketing strategies which operate outside of the box and have been shown to drive results.…

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3 Powerful Ways Hosting a Webinar Can Help Grow Your Online Business

Webinars are a great way to share information, interact with potential customers, and create valuable content that can be shared over multiple marketing channels; including creating content for blog posts and discussion points in other communities. Webinars are rich with opportunities to learn exactly what makes your customers tick and what they’re expecting for your company as well as a chance to solidify your brand in the community.

Hosting webinars

Hosting webinars have the potential to reach a wider audience than what even conferences might offer; placing you in control at the helm to direct the entire experience in a manner that benefits not only your business but your clients.…

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Growing Your Text Marketing List: 6 Essential Tips

If you want to grow a text marketing list into one that’s truly successful, don’t assume that you know all the right ingredients. All too often marketers make the mistake of assuming, and their efforts end up wasted. If you want to ensure success now and in the future, consider these 6 text message marketing musts.

Texting in a cafe

Offer an Incentive

But not just any kind of incentive. Ensure that you are offering something truly valuable to those who opt in to receive your messages. Most businesses find that offering something free is a great way to get people to opt in. That free offer pays off long –term, as long as you continue providing valuable offers.…

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How to Blog Regularly When You Don’t Have Time

We all know we need to be producing content regularly, right? But are you getting the job done? If you find there simply are not enough hours in the day to write consistently, you do have options.

We can blog it!

Buy PLR Content

While you could buy PLR (private label rights) content, you would need to have it rewritten to be original. Even if you could find high quality PLR content that is relevant, it could be as beneficial to hire a writer or blogger.

Content alone does not a great blog post make. The best posts include at least one image, possibly a video and/or infographic, and links to supporting material.…

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Why SEO is an Important Investment for Your Business

Marketing is amongst one of the most important considerations that you should have a small business owner. While your product or service could be amazing, without the right marketing, no one will know about it, and no one will buy. There are several aspects to the marketing mix, but one of the most important is SEO.

SEO for small business

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the act of optimising your website in order for the search engines to rank it higher and higher in the search engine results pages (the SERPs).

When you search for something online, for example “cake makers in Essex”, a series of different results appear.…

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The Gift That Keeps on Giving – ROI on Corporate Client Gifts

Getting the best ROI on a corporate gift is more about being impressive than being lavish. Making an impression on your clients doesn’t mean a private jet pool party in the Maldives. On a small business budget, being impressive simply means conveying your branding message in a way that generates a return on the investment. So, how is it done?

Business growth via corporate gifting

Redefine “Impressive” in your mind

When it comes to small business branding, being impressive is about conveying the right message about your brand, in a memorable, valuable way. If you’re in the business of growing other businesses, this may mean a “growth” themed gift.…

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Tips On Getting Your Event Promoted

If you are thinking about planning an event of any kind, you will hopefully have realized that how you advertize and promote the event will in most cases determine whether it is a success or failure. By now you probably have a date set for the event, the location and you are now left with just letting your audience know about it.

Business event promotion

The methods used for promoting your event will invariably change depending on the purpose of the event, the type of audience you are targeting to attend and the budget and resources you have at your disposal.

Take a look at a few pointers you can consider when determining your very own promotion plan.…

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