4 Tips for Partnering With a Bigger Brand

Approaching a bigger brand can be tricky. You feel like you aren’t at the same caliber, so you really want to prove yourself and your company’s worth. Closing the partnership with a bigger brand will take a combination of the right time and approach to ensure a prosperous relationship. But with the proper tools, landing a partnership with a bigger brand can mean fast growth for your company.

Connect with big brands

Take Advantage of Connections

The first step you will want to take is to understand how you and your employees are connected to the other company. You could ask around, but the most efficient way to do so is through social media.…

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Customer Acquisition: 3 Ways to Track your Leads

The truth about market nowadays is that you are left alone on this battlefield. If you think that you are competing with businesses providing similar goods or services, you are completely wrong. The real nemesis is informational noise; the rival to knock out.

Making a business deal

The customer acquisition looks exactly like an auction – business has to be ready to pay more to catch intending purchaser’s attention. In other words, your flower shop is competing not only with other flower shops but with restaurants, financial institutions, and insurance companies, as well.

The acquisition cost is usually reaching breakeven, while the real revenue appears with only second, third or even fourth purchase.…

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6 Things you Need to Create an Epic Social Media Presence

Large corporate brands have a wealth of social superstars at their disposal. The vast majority of small businesses do not, often preferring to micro-manage every aspect of their social presence to ensure every post is perfect. Going the self-managed route may seem like the best bet as you build your company’s reputation and reach, but there’s a lot more work that goes into creating an epic social presence than most people think.

Follow me on Twitter

Most small-to-medium sized businesses fail to reap the rewards that social can offer because they don’t regard it as a legitimate marketing option. There’s so much to consider and that’s why understanding what’s going on in the social-sphere is very important.…

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3 Cost Effective Marketing Ideas for Small Local Businesses

If you run a small local business, you know how difficult it can be to compete not only against other local small businesses, but also against the big corporate chains that have overtaken just about every industry and niche out there. This can translate to having to spend a lot of money, time, and effort on marketing yourself to get customers to come to you rather than go to the competition.

Local business ad on a car

Thankfully, though, there are some really cost effective marketing ideas that are effective at getting small local businesses on the map. Continue reading to learn more.

1. Make Online Instructional Videos

Hire a local videography company or go the DIY route and use your own camera and editing equipment in order to create engaging, fun, and informative instructional videos that you can then post online on your website, social media pages, and YouTube page for your audience to enjoy.…

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5 Easy Ways To Find Potential Customers On Twitter

Do you need more customers? Despite being 9 years old and having 316 million active users, Twitter is still a mystery for business owners. Most still can not grasp how to navigate through the noise and find their target audience. What makes Twitter a great place for any business is the ability to search status updates and user bios based on keywords.

Twitter marketing balloons

The following 5 methods will teach you how to find new leads and potential customers for your business on Twitter today.

1. Search For Your Name

Take the time search your business’s name on Twitter. The result? You may find a number of unbiased tweets regarding your company’s products and services.…

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3 Tips for Marketing to Low-Income Audiences

Depending on the type of product or service you sell as a business, you likely have at least a small portion of your target audience that falls under the category of “low-income”, whether this is due to being unemployed, underemployed, or suffering an illness or injury that hinders work. However, just because your product or service is best suited for people in a lower income bracket doesn’t mean that you will have less success than those with products or services targeted at a higher income bracket.

Walmart Ad Match and Coupons at Checkout

It does mean, however, that you may have to market yourself differently in order to find the success you need with a low-income audience.…

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5 Things to Remember in Dominating Long Tail Keywords

For any person who is focusing on SEO campaigns for a business, it is essential to know about long tail keywords. Long tail keywords can be the difference between a successful business website, and one that nobody visits. They are especially important for people running small businesses, as you don’t have some large team handling your SEO efforts.


If you are using long tail keywords in your SEO strategy (and you should be), here are 5 things that you should remember to help you dominate the competition.

1. Stay Focused on Your Subject

The point of a long tail keyword is to find a phrase that people are searching for a lot, but not one that every other company is also going after.…

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Outsourcing Your Content Development: Is it Worth the Cost?

In today’s highly competitive global market, over 90 percent of business to business marketers are using content as a main strategy. They are also realizing the many benefits that are associated with using engaging, relevant and quality content.

Content developer

In addition to getting a company’s brand noticed, they can also promote customer loyalty and increase their sales. Unfortunately, over 50 percent of businesses find that they are unable to produce the right content to engage their customer base and keep them interested. That’s why many are leaning toward outsourcing their content development.

While it may be good for their business, is it actually worth the cost?…

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How Translations can Help Small Businesses

Today, we live in a globalising world and we can see and experience that almost everywhere we go, whether it’s in our personal or professional life.

Content translation

In the business world, you might think that the process of globalisation is perhaps most important and favourable for larger organisations and businesses which already have an established international position and are recognised across the world. This however, isn’t necessarily the case – in the digital era, small businesses can compete with giants much more fairly than it had place in the past.

There are, of course, obstacles a SME will have to conquer in order to reach new, international audience and customers.…

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Choosing a Marketing Plan That’s Right for Your Business

Marketing is the life blood of any company. Without it, you won’t bring in any new customers, and your business will struggle to grow. This is why it is so essential that you choose a marketing plan that is right for your company. And before you can implement this plan, you need to create the one that actually works.

Marketing plan

It is important to properly plan out your marketing strategy, maybe by even following a strategic planning template, to ensure that you implement not only the correct strategy, but you do it in the right way. If you are not sure how to pick the best marketing plan, or how to implement it, below are some things that you should think about while doing your research and planning.…

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