How SMBs Can Profile Their Typical Customer

How SMBs Can Profile Their Typical Customer

Many marketing plans fail because they try to attract everyone and don’t focus on anyone. These faulty plans result in companies selling products that customers don’t want. Thing is, most customers aren’t even at the center of the feedback loop. Even worse, most customers will tell you what they want, if you would just ask.

Making the sketch

Start by surveying your existing client base (no matter how small) to understand future buyers better. Contrary to popular belief, this doesn’t have to be a costly process. There are free tools such as Google Docs and MailChimp that let you create a survey and distribute it easily and affordably.…

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3 Reasons Channel Sales Are Sexy for Certain Start-ups

channel sales for startups

CEOs of innovative tech companies that are ready to bring their product to market can travel down two paths: direct sales reps or channel partners.   While both alternatives provide unique advantages, channel sales have become increasingly appealing for many a Silicon Valley and venture-backed start-up.

Improved Credibility

The most overt benefit of an entrepreneurial firm opting for the channel is the instant access they gain to partners’ existing customer relationships.   For a product that isn’t fully established in the market, consumers likely won’t know to look for your specific offering or brand.

Productive channel partners are in tune with their customers’ wants, so if your product fills a demand gap while also making the partner money, they’ll be willing and able to push it all day long.…

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4 Things You Need To Stop Doing To Sell More

stop doing these things to sell moreThere are a gazillion new books, magazines and blog posts giving sales advice.   Each one seems to take on a new phrase, new framework or new methodology.   Few resources ever advise you on the things   you need to STOP doing.

A small business CEO faces a daunting schedule with a multitude of demands on their time, and often sales is high on the agenda.   Pruning the activities that do not contribute to a  successful sales  program can free you to be a more impactful leader.

Here are a  few things you can stop doing to help you focus on the most productive activities:


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Small Businesses and Shipping Providers: What Are the Options?

Depending on the industry, small businesses usually depend on logistics and shipping services at some point. While some choose to facilitate those functions internally, others might consider outsourcing the work. When juggling between the two alternatives, it is helpful to consider a few key points.

Any small business owner knows today’s market is extremely competitive, and many small businesses continually battle large businesses to try and stay afloat. Mistakes can be very costly and drive consumers away from a “mom-and-pop” operation to a big business they know will deliver products and results they need. If a business is too small to employ accurate and timely shipping services, it might be better to outsource the work.…

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Tips to Reconvert Leads (and Why It Really Matters)

Your website is out marketing your local business 24/7, right? If it’s doing a good job, you’re getting a lot of visitors. With a good call to action, hopefully a fair majority of your visitors are taking an action on your website.

As positive as any action a visitor takes on your website is, a simple visit to your site does not make this individual a solid lead. Instead, you have the opportunity to re-convert this individual (or in other words, convert him or her). After a number of the right interactions with your site, this individual begins to develop into what could be a solid lead.…

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Lead Nurturing to Maintain Contractor Leads for Local Business

When trying to increase contractor leads for a local business, it’s important to do whatever it takes to not lose them once you get them. If you did, then your efforts would be in vain! Once you’ve already intrigued them enough to visit your site, it’s important to consider how to keep those visitors coming back over and over again. Lead nurturing will allow you to do just that.

lead nurturing tips for local businesses

As we all know, many people like to look around, consider their options, and make sure they are making the right decision before finalizing any purchase transaction. Because of this, it takes a little time to gain a new lead.…

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Is 2012 The Year You Propose A Business Offer?

things to consider when composing a business proposal

As the clock winds down on 2011, you may be considering the idea of crafting a business proposal going into the New Year.   If that is the case, there are a number of matters that will come into play.

In the event that the coming year is the time for you to throw a business proposal or two out there on a regular basis, keep several factors in mind.

Among them are:

  • When writing a business proposal, make sure that the documentation answers any and all questions that the client may have. Before you write the proposal, run through your head any and all questions you believe the client may come at you with, including funding, customer service, and quality of work and so on.
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How to Pick the Right CRM Software for Your Business

Running a business seems glamorous and exciting – you are not told what to do; you get to pick who you work with; you get to pick out the look of the office; you get paid the most money; get the best office; get to connect with powerful people. The list of exciting decisions truly never seems to stop; however there are plenty of boring and mundane decisions a business owner has to take into consideration – which HR software to choose; which email marketing software to choose; employee background check hassles, and finally, choosing customer relationship management (CRM) software.

hot to pick crm software for your business

For those who are unfamiliar, CRM software helps a company manage their interactions with customers and clients.…

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Salespeople Need to Make Their Pitch Nicely Dressed

As an employer, do you closely monitor what your salespeople wear before they go out to meet with clients? No? Perhaps you should take a closer look now and then.

While more and more offices it seems turn a little more casual each day when it comes to clothing, sales people representing your company when meeting with clients need to dress above that.

proper business attire for salespeople

The challenge for employers has become even greater given the fact that more and more sales are done remotely due to online options. Still, your salespeople should dress the part when they go out and engage a client.…

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Are You Ready For American Express OPEN’s Small Business Saturday?

American Express Open's Small Business SaturdayEntrepreneurs are getting ready as everyone looks forward to the inception of a new shopping event: Small Business Saturday. The first-ever event will take place on November 27, as part of American Express Open’s plan to support the local economy.

America’s largest employers are still small businesses and it makes sense that the industry gets the attention it deserves by having a whole day dedicated to it. The national movement is getting more traction as the actual event draws near. Advocacy groups as well as the public and private sector unite to support this national campaign. This concerted effort to support small, independently-owned businesses would help to drive sales in the holiday weekend shopping traffic.…

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