Sales Tips For Small Business Sales Teams

It’s never been easy for small businesses. Lacking the resources of their larger competitors, many struggle to last more than a couple of years. Without the luxury of relying on venture capital and big investments, having an effective sales process is non-negotiable. But even with the smartest salespeople, how can you compete with larger sales teams with bigger budgets?

Closing sales

At Reply our goal is to help SMBs succeed at sales, and over the years we’ve identified the processes and strategies that help smaller sales teams take on their goliath-like competitors and succeed. Here are our top tips for smashing your sales:

Learn to send effective sales emails

The Fortune 500 excel at their face-to-face pitching.…

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Should You be Offering POS Within Your Business?

The area where business is transacted is key in most businesses. In a retail or face to face environment the point of sale (POS) is where you need to maximize the transaction; not just in terms of concluding the sale, but in recording customer data that can be used to build a relationship with them and provide valuable reporting information.

POS system

Modern and flexible POS systems enable sales to be transacted quickly; they can facilitate the accurate recording of what was sold so ensuring accurate, real time stock records show at all times and valuable intelligence can be built regarding your stock, customers and business generally.…

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Tips to Use Angie’s List for Contractors and Small Businesses

Angie’s List was started in 1995, and the company has grown into a trusted service for consumers to judge the trustworthiness of contractors. Geared towards home services, Angie’s List can be used as a lead generation tool for small businesses.

Angies List HQ

But how can contractors and small businesses better use the site to generate leads?

1. Advertise on the Site

Angie’s List makes money from advertising, and they have salesmen that will talk to you about your service category. Keep in mind that these salesmen need to make the sale to earn their commission, so you’re in control.

But the salesperson will try to pressure you into a sale with:

  • Rate increase threats
  • Deadlines

Don’t worry – these are all empty sales tactics.…

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Short Guide to Advertising Black Friday Sales

Traditionally seen as a day of retail madness in the US, Black Friday has soon found it’s way to British high streets and online retailers, with mega savings available nationwide. With last year’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend generating over £1.4bn in the UK online only, it’s no wonder that more and more businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and getting involved. They are right to, when you really think about the potential sales that could be generated with a simple offer or promotion.

Black Friday sales preparation

But what is Black Friday and Cyber Monday all about? Traditionally, Black Friday falls the day after Thanksgiving in America, and is the day when thousands of US companies offer huge discounts and offers in order to encourage sales to mark the start of the Christmas shopping season.…

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How to Use Storytelling to Raise Conversion Rates

Many experts agree that telling your business’ story to customers helps them learn more about you and make you more personable. However, several marketing studies show that customers are not only more likely to ‘buy’ what you are selling if you attach a story to that item.

Indeed, storytelling has proven effective at improving marketing strategies, for everything from boosting purchase cost and rate to increasing conversion rate.

use story telling to increase sales

Need some proof? Sure – you don’t have to purchase research paper on the topic; just try google it. For example, a study by Origin tested a group of 3,000 consumers by presenting each with a different product page for a bottle of wine; one that contained the typical product description with notes of flavor and a second that told the story of the winemaker who produced the bottle.…

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4 Ways to Keep Your Sales Growing

If you want your business to make more profit this year than it did the last, you need strategies in place that boost sales. At its core, sales is all about building relationships with people, whereby you solve a problem or fulfil a need of theirs. This relationship requires trust, communication and the ability to relate to others easily.

4 strategies to keep sales growing

You can build more relationships and strengthen existing ones by demonstrating your expertise, asking your customers questions and telling the story that makes your company unique and trustworthy. By expanding your online reach and offline network, you attract more paying customers. And, those people will recommend your product or service, and even draw in potential partners that can provide more lucrative opportunities.…

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How Can Upgrading Technology Help Restaurants Increase Sales?

When most people think about opening a restaurant, they dream of all the delicious concoctions they’ll whip up for their guests. Guests who hopefully keep coming back so often that they practically become family.

Restaurant technology upgrades increase sales

When thoughts wander to boosting sales and increasing the bottom line, many new restaurateurs go right back to crafting killer cocktails and whipping up delectable meals that will keep people buying and buying.

While that’s certainly one part of it, there is one major, yet often overlooked way that restaurants can increase sales: upgrading technology. From cutting down on time to increasing efficiency, there’s a lot that the right tech can do to boost a restaurant’s success.…

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Sales Tips to Increase Your B2B Customer Retention

Acquiring a customer is hard work. No matter what field you happen to be in, every new customer is cause for celebration.

Of course, picking up a new customer is only the first half of the equation. Just as importantly, you need to be able to retain that customer moving forward.

B2B customer retention

A big part of customer retention is delivering quality goods and services at a fair price. That much goes without saying. But did you know sales can play a role in customer retention as well?

Let’s look at that subject in this article.

Selling the Right People

First and foremost, if you are going to retain customers down the line, you need to make sure you are finding the right customers in the first place.…

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Can Multi-Level Marketing Offer a Viable Career Opportunity?

Given the current economy more and more individuals are seeking multiple avenues to generate additional income. Flexible home-based and internet opportunities have provided a new way in which to earn cash, shunning the traditional 9-5 grind.

Whether you’re a millennial saving to buy a house or travel, or a stay at home parent who still wants to earn money, the potential is endless. Plus you get to enjoy the freedom of being the master of your own schedule!

Multi Level Marketing prospect meeting

Many of these home-based jobs lie within multi-level marketing, which has received varying viewpoints – often based on misinformation. Multi-level marketing can offer an extremely rewarding and flexible way in which to work, but it does pose questions from some.…

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