What You Don’t Know About Commercial Insurance Might Cost You

Commercial insurance is a cost that is an inevitable part of running a small business. Many business owners look at it as a type of tax that is just part of being in business. Many of these same business owners think negotiating for a lower premium is not worth their time because the coverages are all very similar. This could not be farther from the truth.

Commercial insurance

There are several things related to your commercial insurance policies that can drastically affect what your business pays for premium. Here are 5 factors that can help your business save when purchasing commercial insurance.

Know the difference between General and Professional Liability

General Liability Insurance is the most basic type of liability coverage any business can secure to protect their business.…

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Could a Podcast Benefit Your Small Business?

If you’re running a small business, you’ve probably read dozens (if not hundreds) of articles telling you what you should be doing with your digital marketing. PPC, SEO, responsive websites, videos, infographics, content generation… it’s easy to find a veritable laundry list of ideas all meant to increase your exposure to new potential clients, or to stay in touch with those you do reach.

Podcasting for business

All of those content items are developed for a purpose: converting visitors into clients. But topical articles are just one piece of the puzzle. Increasingly, potential clients are wooed not just by finding the product or service they’re looking for, but by being reached on a personal level.…

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How Reverse Mortgage Will Help Save Your Business

As a small business CEO, you know that businesses go through cycles. Sometimes business is so good that you can’t keep up with demand. Other times, it seems like the market is stuck in the mud. Customers are not coming through the door and your expenses keep piling up. What can you do? Banks won’t finance your business, even though you have a long history in the market.

Business funding via reverse mortgage

Well, if you are over 62-years-old, I have a secret financial weapon which could help you save your business. It’s called a reverse mortgage, and it could be just the ticket to get you the money you need.…

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3 Tips To Help You Actually Enjoy Your Next Business Trip

Business travel can be very stressful. From taking time away from your normal office routine to missing your friends and family back home, it can be hard for anyone to actually enjoy a business trip regardless of the destination. But with just a few little tweaks to your itinerary and your way of thinking, you can transform mundane corporate travel into something that breaks up the blandness of your everyday life and actually brings joy into your professional career.

Business traveller

To help make that a reality for you, here are three tips to help you actually enjoy your next business trip.

Add In a Day of Fun

Not all business travel schedules will allow for an extra day or two on the company’s dime.…

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The Top Mistakes Businesses Make with Big Data

The explosion of software, applications and overall technology designed to help with the management and usage of big data have had businesses of all types and sizes getting in the game. Big data isn’t exclusively reserved for big business, and it’s becoming the leading way organizations are better targeting their desired audiences, tailoring their marketing, and improving their efficiency.

Big data mistakes

While the above-mentioned software and technology do simplify how businesses of all sizes are able to collect and analyze data, this doesn’t mean it’s an obstacle-free experience for all of them. If you’re considering adding or growing big data into your overall business strategy, below are some common mistakes to avoid.…

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How to Leverage High Tech Employee Training Programs

Over time, software has experienced so many upgrades that unless you have been using the software for some time and have been adapting to each new version, you will find the subtle distinctions to have added up to quite a bit of complexity.

Employee training programs

In a designer’s office, for example, the latest version of Photoshop may not be too intimidating at first glance as the layout resembles many office apps with a familiar toolbars, ribbons, and icons, but you need to know how to access the different functions based on your knowledge of what each icon can do. Since there are numerous icons, as well as layers within each, formal training is necessary to learn something as simple as cropping an image or increasing image size without distorting the pixels.…

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3 Tips for Finding Success Amid Professional Sabotage

Working at a demanding job is hard enough without having a peer or supervisor who seems to be undermining or even sabotaging you at every turn. While small incidents can often be overlooked as coincidences, if someone you work closely with, especially your boss or other supervisor, is making it increasingly difficult for you to do your job, here are three things you may want to consider trying to allow yourself to find success both professionally and financially for your company.

Business meeting with supervisor

Asking For Feedback From Other Superiors

When someone is constantly criticizing your work, it can be very hard to feel confident in your abilities to perform your job adequately.…

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The Integral Nature of Optimized Internet Presence

Crunching Some Numbers

Approximately 90% of search engine traffic stays on the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Making your business appear in the results of the first page can definitely help generate proper leads.

Digital branding optimization

You’re going to need the assistance of a professional marketing organization who specializes in branding for the digital age. To that end, following are a number of things to consider before choosing your marketing agency.

A Wide Range Of Services

Proper branding requires more than one kind of search engine optimization. Certainly, SEO-rich content should be produced, circulated, catalogued, and available on your company website. But you’ve got to have outreach in social media as well.…

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Superior Entrepreneurial Skills that will bring Success to your Business

There are said to be seven business skills that every business man or an entrepreneur adopts to build his empire. These seven skills are more or likely said to be the cornerstones for all the business and entrepreneur success.

Successful female entrepreneur

The seven skill sets are:


Sales is the deportment that generates revenue in any organization. No matter how good your manufacturing operations are, or how cutting-edge your technology is, or how stern your financial goals are, or how progressive your management techniques are, you still must have a powerful and efficient sales mechanism in place, or everything else will be useless.…

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How to Win in Retail by Utilizing Shopper and In-store Marketing Strategy (Infographic)

Every retailer in the world works hard to get customers in to their store. Shopper marketing plays a vital role in this area and it focuses on how you need to interact with the customer from the beginning to the end of a transaction. Getting the customer to your store is only half the battle and even when the customer is in your store you still need to tread carefully.


Just because they are in your store doesn’t mean the job is complete and you need to make sure you make their stay as pleasurable as possible. For example, when you consider that 70% of shoppers use a mobile device in a store, how vital does good in-store WIFI become?…

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