5 Ways to help your Small Business Successfully Grow

As the owner of a small business, growth is at the forefront of your mind. Once you’ve established yourself as a local retailer and are making comfortable profits, the next step is growing your small business further.

Business growth

Here are 5 ways to help you grow your small business today:

1. Launch a new product

Although, ‘if it isn’t broke don’t fix it’ is a good business motto, a great way to try and grow your business is by launching a new product line. This doesn’t mean letting go of your original successful product but my launching a new line you’ll get the chance to attract new customers and create a buzz about your business again.…

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6 Low Cost Promotional Product Ideas for your Next Trade Show

Promotional products are a great way to forge a relationship with customers (existing and potential). At the same time they serve as a good giveaway that boosts recall value for businesses and brands. From low cost items to the costly and bizarre, promotional products can do wonders for your business.

TastyTrailers sticker

So, are you participating in a trade show and have some really great products to grab eyeballs at the event? Are you looking for that little something to give away as a freebie and stand out in the crowd? Let us take a look at what you can offer as promotional products:


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4 Ways your Business Needs to be in Contact with Customers

As a business you want to do everything you can in order to stay in contact with your customers. Long gone are the days when the only ways you had to reach out to them, old or new, was through the phone or snail mail. Although many businesses still send catalogs and sales cards through the mail, the best ways to reach more people are more technological these days.

Florist contacts customer

On top of that, many people and businesses are trying to grow greener, which means mailing less catalogs and even supplying email receipts instead of printed ones. Green or not, you may be interested in making sure you are reaching out to your customers, past, present, and future ones, in every way possible.…

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6 Reasons Why Small Business Owners Should Also Consider Using Workflow Management Software

Small businesses don’t have the resources, expertise, and experience that can be compared to what larger companies have. However, this should not prevent them from considering the idea of investing in a workflow management system. The benefits are likely to be considerably greater than the investment, especially for those who are into manufacturing and retail or those that have higher likelihood for expansion.

Software for workflow management

If you are a small business owner, the following reasons should convince you to invest in workflow management software.

1. Guidance for Inexperienced Business Owners

Not many realize it but workflow management systems can actually be helpful in adopting processes or strategies that can improve business operation or create a dependable framework for operations.…

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5 Success Tips from Donald Trump

Whether or not you agree with Donald Trump’s political views, there’s no denying his success in the business world. He’s one of the richest and most success business tycoons in America. He’s the owner of several companies and organizations, a powerful spokesperson, and a genius when it comes to entrepreneurship.

Donald Trump

According to Forbes, Trump is worth $4.5 billion and makes $250 million every year from his multiple business dealings. Trump Tower in Chicago is the fourth tallest building in the United States, surpassing the Empire State Building – a symbol of his wealth and power.

With all that success, Trump is a man worth listening to.…

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5 Things Every Small Business Owner Should Know About Health Insurance

The modern health insurance market has faced countless changes in recent years. While some people found themselves with great coverage, other people found themselves steeped in insurance coverage nightmares. Small business owners found themselves increasingly confused over whether they needed to provide coverage or not and how to manage the financial nightmare.

Choices of business insurance

Included here are a few things every small business owner should know about health insurance.

Employee Count

New laws implemented under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) dictated that companies with 50 or more employees be providing health insurance. Unfortunately, 96% of businesses in the country have fewer than 50 employees, so what are they supposed to do?…

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Four Tips For Managing Your Small Business Space

Managing a business is about more than just managing the business side of things. It’s also about managing your space, whether it’s an office or a store. It’s also about managing your employees within that space, and caring for your customers within that space.

Startup office

Small businesses can come under a lot more scrutiny than larger corporations when it comes to disorganization and cleanliness. You want to do everything you can to make sure that your customers like what they are seeing and are being well taken care of.

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to your small business.…

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The Importance of Backlinks as Part of a SEO Strategy

Even though there is no clear data that can prove this theory, many experts agree that more than half of the value of a website is determined by the number and quality of backlinks.

Backlinks still matter

Backlinks or incoming links (also inbound links) is a HTTP connection that leads from one website to another. In other words, this is a link that goes from someone else’s website to our website. For instance, in case you have a website that provides airline tickets and the owner of a website focused on hotels and accommodation likes the content on your website and they place a link to your website in the content they share, you will get a backlink.…

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Reasons to Move Offices in 2016

Making sure that you choose the right office space for your business needs can be tricky, as those needs are constantly fluctuating. While you may have found a practical office space that worked for you at one point, it’s also likely that, according to statistics, most businesses move offices every seven years on average. It’s important that you’re able to adapt to the changes that your business experience, and sometimes this means moving to a new office in order to guarantee further successes.

Moving office

Here are some of the reasons you may want to consider changing your office space in 2016.

Beneficial Change

Sometimes a change is all that’s really needed to give your business a shot in the arm.…

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Best IT Certifications for Businesses in 2016

Running a business requires a great deal of work in a variety of areas, and one of the keys to maintaining business success is to stay on top of trends and continually assert your position as an authority in your line of industry. One of the best ways to ensure a strong reputation and become a leader in your field is to make sure that your business carries relevant and high-quality certifications. This is particularly true when it comes to IT, which is a core part of most businesses out there.

IT certified

Certifications are one of the best ways to validate the skills and knowledge of your employees, and keep your quality of business at its finest.…

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