Deciding on Bankruptcy the Right Way

No one even wants to utter the words “bankruptcy” let alone visit your local bankruptcy attorney to start the proceedings. But there are times when making the decision to go through a bankruptcy can be actually smarter than trying to struggle through your current financial trouble. While we may read about famous people who struggle with a bankruptcy because it means they have to give up a famous bauble or let go of their pet tigers, for most of us the end result is relief.


So when does it make the most sense? Here are a few pointers that might tell you if you should be looking at it in your current situation.

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Keeping Your Business Safe on Social Media

As popular as it is today, social media is a requirement for any serious business. As a perfect avenue for cheap advertising, proper social media campaigns can reach thousands, if not millions of potentially untapped customers. Unfortunately, it can also backfire in the worst of ways.

Social media security woes

While there’s plenty to get right, there’s just as much your company can get wrong when addressing the world from an unprotected soap box. Poorly thought out comments can be misconstrued to ruin your company’s image, at least temporarily. Worse, totally disengaging from these platforms can make your business seem out of touch.

Proper knowledge of how to navigate social media safely and effectively is necessary for any modern business.…

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3 Ways to Easily Stay In Contact with your Customers

With so many different businesses vying for the attention of our globe of consumers, it can be hard to know what you can do as a business to ensure that you’re on the forefront of people’s minds when they are in need of the type of product or service you happen to provide. One way you can help yourself become a household name associated with your industry is to constantly be reaching out and communicating with your current and potential customers.

Direct mail for staying in contact with clients

To learn the best ways to do just that, here are three ideas for staying in contact with your customers.…

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3 Ways Technology Can Improve your Online Customer Service

Customer service plays a huge role in the satisfaction and return of your customers. However, many online companies have forgotten that having good customer service for an online business is just as important as for a brick and mortar business—maybe even more so. And because many other companies understand this, there are a plenty of different technologies available to help you improve your customer services as well as your overall relationship with your customers or clients.

Caring customer service

To show you how, here are three types of technologies you can use to improve your customer service with online visitors.

Finding Weaknesses with Analytics

Before you can know how to improve, you first need to know where you should be improving.…

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3 Benefits the Most Talented Employees Look For in an Employer

For many small business owners, there’s a difficult balance to strike between being fiscally responsible and giving employees incentive to stay with your company. While some business owners feel that taking a very minimalistic approach will give them the most financial reward, this point of view may prove to be very short-sighted. If you have grand ideas for your small business and plan to expand in the future, you’re going to want to acquire the talent to get you there—and that talent typically won’t work for nothing.

Employer and her employees

Hard working, valuable employees understand their worth to a company and want to be compensated accordingly.…

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5 IT Solutions for Common Small Business Issues

It used to be that small and large businesses were separated by a lot more than just size, but technology has leveled the playing field. As small businesses seek to increase their tech budgets, they’ll find several innovative solutions to some common business problems.

Business people using IT solutions

1. Problem: Secure Storage

Small businesses are at higher risk for security issues than many believe. A majority of small businesses operate under the assumption that they’re not at risk because of their size. However, small businesses are at greater risk for storage breaches than they realize, and it’s essential that they become informed.

Solution: Adopt Cloud Storage Solutions

Cloud storage is a great, affordable option for small businesses.…

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Financial Ebb and Flow: Dealing With the Ups and Downs of Doing Business

Business slowdowns affect nearly every industry. Sometimes, these slowdowns are seasonal — a dip after the holiday shopping season is common in the retail industry, for instance, and the fast food industry tends to see a slowdown in the first few months of each year, when people are fresh off their New Year’s resolutions.

Businessman riding the wave

If you’re a small business that hasn’t been around for very long, these slowdowns can seriously affect both your cash flow and your bottom line. Owners of new businesses tend to freak out when such slow periods come around, often rushing out with unplanned marketing advertising rejigs and hastily done layoffs.…

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How to Get the Most out of your Training Courses

What result signifies the success of a professional training course? Is it gifting of key skills to professionals and businesses? Is it the effective communication of key learnings? Is it an improvement in business operations and profitability as a result of the new skills and knowledge acquired? Or is it the commercial success of the course? The simple truth is that all of these outcomes are required for a training course to be considered a success.

Training course marketing

But in order to achieve the ultimate goal of commercial success, you need to create courses that address specific needs in your industry – and then promote them effectively.…

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Understanding the Basics of Acquisitions

An acquisition is a financial term that describes what happens when an organization develops its competences and resources by taking over a different company. There are many different types of acquisition strategies. More information about the various strategies can be obtained through General Equity – Acquisitions.

Acquisition agreement

Some of the popular strategies include single purpose documents and standalone acquisitions, as well as multi-purpose documents, which are more comprehensive. Regardless of the chosen strategy, the goal of an acquisition strategy is always to minimize the cost and time used to obtain a specific, validated need and this is achieved through sound business practices and common sense.…

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How NOT to Ruin a Corporate Event With your Music Choices

Getting the music wrong at your corporate event is not what you, as the organiser, want to be remembered for. There are many pitfalls and obstacles to consider but by taking three key areas of consideration at the basis for your decision, you can avoid even a slight disaster.

Screaming and angry rocker at corporate event

Think about the guests

Before you do anything else it is important to think about who is coming to your event. That way you know whether the music your choice has to be appropriate to your corporate identity, or instead reflect the type of event and its attendees.

If you’re launching a product or out to impress new clients, make sure the band suits the brand.…

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