The 3 KPIs Every Successful Digital Marketer is Tracking in 2016

If we were to take a poll in small business marketing departments throughout the country, we’d likely discover that very few are effectively and accurately tracking success. Would you count yourself among this cohort? If you aren’t using the right KPIs, then the answer is yes.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

Why KPIs Matter

How do you really know if your business is performing well in terms of marketing success? If you’re like many business owners, you probably don’t. Most have very little insight into how different marketing strategies and efforts are doing and whether or not they’re producing positive results.

This is where KPIs – or key performance indicators – come into play.…

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Reminder: Make Sure That You’ve Got the Right Insurance

When you’re the owner of a small business, often there’s so much going on that important things can get overlooked. One of the most essential things to get right is to make sure you have the right insurance on all of your vehicles and to check your employees are insured correctly.

Business auto insurance

From business insurance policies to needing different driving licenses it can all get a little complicated. Not only in understanding policies, choosing the insurances that offer the best value for your business is a headache. But fear not, we’ve got your back; here’s our guide to make sure that all your vehicles are insured correctly:

Work-related insurance

If you have employees at your workplace who are going to be making journeys on behalf of the company, it’s important to make sure they take out work-related insurance on their own policy.…

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How to Make your LinkedIn Profile More Appealing

There’s a small section of your LinkedIn profile that follows you everywhere you go on the platform.

Along with your photo, it’s the instant calling card people use to size up who you are and what (if any) interest they should have in your profile, profession and content.

LinkedIn profile blueprint

Get this piece of your profile right, and it lays the foundation for short-term and long-term lead generation and sales.

Get it wrong, and you might as well not even use LinkedIn … it’s that important.

It’s your professional headline, which appears right below your name at the top of your LinkedIn profile.…

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Tips to Nurture a Growth-Oriented Startup Culture

“A company’s culture is the foundation for future innovation. An entrepreneur’s job is to build the foundation”

– Brian Chesky, Airbnb.

Startup culture


For MNCs and other big players, having a great culture is just an additional feature, but for startups, having a great work culture – strong and growth-oriented, is a necessary element of success, be it for employee retention or for innovation.

Nurturing a growth-oriented culture is mainly dependant on the core values of the startup and the work force.

It is crucial to work on building your startup DNA early on. Here are some tips to build a strong work culture:


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Cyberbullying Insurance: How To Get It…Maybe

Sometime last year, statisticians informed the world that 1 out of every 5 people has suffered a bout of online harassment. An insurance company took note – and now “cyberbullying insurance” is a thing.

Cyberbullying victim

Digital Age Woes Lead To New Insurance Possibilities

In these, our digital days, online harassment and Internet defamation can cause titanic-sized problems – for both individuals and businesses. Recognizing the 21st-century hardship, international insurance conglomerate, Chubb, developed a unique – and, of course, potentially profitable – way to mitigate the cost of these complications: “cyberbullying insurance.”

Till now, insurers have offered little in the way of online harassment coverage.…

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Business Budgets: Top Tips for Getting the Most from Your Business Fleet

It can be frustrating when a personal car breaks down; missing work or appointments is no small matter. If it’s a vehicle that your business depends on, though, unscheduled downtime for maintenance may not be an option. Your employees will miss important customer appointments as a result, productivity will drop, morale could suffer, and there could be too much spent on repairs and fuel. Should a vehicle become unsafe owing to inadequate maintenance, legal consequences may be a possibility, as well.

Business fleet

If the survival of your business depends on the health of your fleet, you want to act when you have time.…

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Before You Build: Construction Industry Concerns for Small Business Owners

Real estate offers a lot of opportunities, particularly when you have construction skills and can handle rehabs in-house. When you have those construction skills, starting a small business centered around repairs and rehabs can seem like a good way to pay the bills.

Refurbish a house

Before you decide to go into business for yourself as a builder or repairman, you need to have a handle on the challenges and problems. While construction can be a very lucrative industry, it also has its fair share of potential pitfalls. Make sure you have a plan in place to avoid the worst roadblocks you can run into.…

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Targeting the Right Social Media for your Audience

When it comes to digital marketing, you are always told to push social media, spread brand awareness and engage with your customers. The problem is, not all social media platforms provide productive and effective outreach to your target demographic. How do you know if your product is reaching the right people?

Social media

Below is a quick summary on the audiences that use some of the biggest social media platforms and successful campaigns created by both big and small brands.


Launched in September 2011, Snapchat has overtaken many social media platforms in popularity. This highly engaged audience is made up primarily of 13 to 34 year olds.…

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5 Tips to Increase Conversions with Decent Website Design

Is it possible that your website design negatively affects the conversions you expect to get? The answer is yes! If you would like to increase your sales and to attract more new customers, you need to avoid some of the mistakes made by other business owners regarding their web design.

Web design

Although the traffic to your site is very important, something that you really need to be entirely focused on is whether people who visit your site decide to buy from your products or not. If the traffic you receive is not converted into real sales, it is useless.

There are specific things about the design, which can change the attitude of the visitors in a positive or negative direction.

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5 Ways to Add Value to your Business Marketing

The techniques and processes of marketing in the modern business world are changing so fast that it’s hard to keep up with what makes sense and what’s just a waste of time and money. The answers aren’t necessarily readily available either, when it comes to asking the simply question of ‘well then what do I have to do in order to succeed?’

Attractive marketing

So, in place of these definite answers, your best bet is to approach the situation as a series of experiments, and roll with the punches as you try the following five techniques to add value to your marketing concept, including presenting educational resources, allowing real-time interaction, being socially consistent, using customer surveys, and shortening your feedback loop.…

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