Reasons to Move Offices in 2016

Making sure that you choose the right office space for your business needs can be tricky, as those needs are constantly fluctuating. While you may have found a practical office space that worked for you at one point, it’s also likely that, according to statistics, most businesses move offices every seven years on average. It’s important that you’re able to adapt to the changes that your business experience, and sometimes this means moving to a new office in order to guarantee further successes.

Moving office

Here are some of the reasons you may want to consider changing your office space in 2016.

Beneficial Change

Sometimes a change is all that’s really needed to give your business a shot in the arm.…

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Best IT Certifications for Businesses in 2016

Running a business requires a great deal of work in a variety of areas, and one of the keys to maintaining business success is to stay on top of trends and continually assert your position as an authority in your line of industry. One of the best ways to ensure a strong reputation and become a leader in your field is to make sure that your business carries relevant and high-quality certifications. This is particularly true when it comes to IT, which is a core part of most businesses out there.

IT certified

Certifications are one of the best ways to validate the skills and knowledge of your employees, and keep your quality of business at its finest.…

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How Certain Variables Should Affect your Business’ Hours

When you run your own business, one of the many benefits is that you get to pick your own hours. This freedom to decide when you will conduct business can be a great way to have a flexible schedule. But unless you also have a lifestyle that matches those with which you’re doing business, finding hours of operation that work for both you and your customers or clients can be a difficult balance.

Open for business

To help find the right times for your facilities to remain open, here are some tips on how certain variables should affect your business’ hours.


The location of your business can have a major impact on the hours of operation you should be adhering to.…

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3 Tips for Managing Your Inventory as a Small Business

As a small business owner or manager, you likely have a lot on your plate already. However, one area you can’t afford to take chances with from a business standpoint is in regards to your inventory.

Inventory management

If your inventory isn’t properly managed and accounted for, you could have innumerable problems within your business. From losing money to losing customers, inventory issues can really set you back.

To help you avoid running into problems with insufficient inventory management, here are three tips for better managing your inventory as a small business.

Have the Right Storage Space

Depending on the type of business you’re running, you’re going to want to have a set amount of your product stocked and ready to go when a sale comes in.…

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5 Benefits of Email Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises

Digital marketing is said to have leveled the playing field between big players and small and medium enterprises. Of the many facets of online marketing, email marketing is by far the most effective, as it yields best conversion rates across the board. The high ROI, scalability and effectiveness of email marketing are just some of the factors that make it nearly indispensable for business growth.

Email marketing

Here are some other key benefits that make email marketing a must-do for small and medium enterprises.

1. You can get maximum results with minimal effort

Just go back in time a little and revisit those days of offline marketing where enormous money, time and effort was required to make your marketing campaign reach out to the targeted customer group.…

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10 Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing a Dental Practice

Perhaps a generation ago, it was enough for a dentist to simply open his/her doors, provide quality service, and he/she could trust that patients would come. Clearly, however, that’s no longer the case. Building a successful practice requires marketing, but what types work and how well they work is less clear.

Precious Thompson, DDS

Even before you graduated from dental school you were being bombarded with pitches from marketing companies that claimed to have the secret sauce to helping you build and grow your practice. Those pitches, of course, are self-serving, so a new dentist or one looking to grow their practice is largely left to their own devices in terms of picking a marketing strategy.…

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3 Tips for Throwing a Business Party Your Employees Will Love

Although the holidays are coming to a close, you can always find a reason to throw a party at work. Whether your company hit a large goal, you’re having a valuable employee retire, or it’s simply that time of year, throwing a party for your employees can be a great way to help them relax a little from the pressures of work while showing them you care about their relationship with your company.

Fun business party at the office

To help you set up the best event possible, here are three tips for throwing a business party your employees will love.

Two Ingredients for A Memorable Event

While it can take a lot to have your business party come together, Liz Taylor, a professional party planner and organizer, tells Hester Lacey of…

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4 Low-Budget Ways to Market your Small Business

Saving money during your entrepreneurial startup is critical to your success. Every dollar you invest in marketing is a huge investment and you need to see genuine results that offer new clients.

Low budget digital marketing

The first step in developing a good marketing plan is to research your target audience; know who you want to pitch to and how or where you want them to purchase. Before you drop any dollars on the marketing fund, you will have to narrow down your market and begun a focused approach.

Included here are a few low-budget ways to market your small business.

Polish Your Website

Making your website professional and fast-running may not seem like a marketing technique to you, but it can boost your revenue enormously.…

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4 Things CEOs Need to Know about Competitor Monitoring and the Internet of Things

Competitor monitoring is an art that will become more difficult to master and even more important as the Internet of Things develops

Internet of Things (IoT) network

Being able to track your competitor online can be difficult enough, but the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) may make things a lot more difficult. This is why there is some stuff that every small business CEO should know about competitor monitoring in this brave new world.

What is the Internet of Things?

Though, you might be aware of the concept, and you might have been told to look out for it, you might have no idea what the IoT actually is.…

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Tips for Selecting a Payment Processing Provider

If you plan to run any type of online business, you will typically have to decide on a payment processing provider to handle credit card and other transactions for you. While there are many different companies providing these services in this day and age, the breadth of choice can make it difficult to know who to actually choose and what level of service will be best for your specific needs.

If you’re keen to find the right provider of merchant services for your business in 2016, read on for some tips to keep in mind before you sign on the dotted line.…

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