10 Tips on Building Your Email Marketing List (and Why it Matters)

As digital marketing has evolved we’ve seen more and more companies looking to maximize their audience reach and response through new channels, particularly social media. And while that makes sense – an ever-expanding amount of consumers are spending more and more time on social platforms – at the same time, businesses shouldn’t neglect ‘older’ methods which may still be just as effective, in particular, email.

Email marketing

Why email? In a study published by McKinsey and Company last year, they found that despite the rise of social networks, email “remains a significantly more effective way to acquire customers than social media – nearly 40 times that of Facebook and Twitter combined”.…

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Crowdfunding for Property Investors: What you Need to Know Before you Begin

Crowdfunding for real estate offers a new way for investors to get into the property market. The basis behind crowdfunding is for developers and real estate investment fund managers to raise capital from multiple investors for investment purposes.

Crowdfunding for property investors

Investors have the advantage of owning a share of a large property investment that might otherwise have been out of reach. Another significant benefit is the ability to get started in the property investment with a relatively small investment.

For example, some online crowdfunding portals will allow investors to get started with as little as £50. Others may require a larger initial investment to get started, with many ranging between £5,000 and £50,000.…

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5 Reasons Why Your SMB Should Invest In The Local Community

Small businesses owners face many challenges, especially in the beginning. You have to find a way to make your business thrive, often on a limited budget. For most business owners, the budget gets focused largely on improving your product or service, your staff, and marketing.

Businesses should support local communities

One aspect that often gets overlooked however, is using some of your money to give back to the local community. While you may think that there is not enough room in your budget to do this, we have a couple of reasons why you might want to reconsider and find some room.

1. Exposure

Marketing is a big part of any business, and rightly so.…

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Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Key Person Insurance

Imagine you’ve just started out as a new company. You’ve gone in with a friend who is now your partner, you’ve signed up documents and you’re ready to go. A few weeks in, things are going well. You’re organising sales, you’re hiring new people to keep up with the demand and increase for your services, you’re working closely with your partner and you’re pushed to your limits, making sure that you’re maximising revenue for minimum cost.

You’re probably spending all of your time working out how to make your company as profitable as possible, and so is your partner. Have you thought about insurance?…

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The Role of Food Packaging in Food Safety

Food safety is an important aspect to maintain our health and well-being. Every living, breathing soul on the Earth wants to preserve the life of their own and others for as long as possible. The main factor that affects our well-being is our exposure to health threats that can lead to illness or death.

Office food safety

One of the common ways we are affected is through our consumption of food. The neglect towards food handling and preparation safety procedures can expose hundreds, thousands or millions of people to health issues.

The education of food handling and packaging in Australia has countered the food health crisis’ that has affected parts of the country at times, however more people inside the home and in businesses need to take steps to further understand the importance of food packaging in their food handling.…

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Top 5 Considerations for Businesses Seeking Commercial Pest Control

Every business needs to be aware of the regulations and considerations that have to be applied in order to run their business safely. Whether it’s ensuring that you have the correct insurance or adhering to certain guidelines for service, you have to follow the rules in order to operate. One area where it’s vital to be vigilant is in the area of pest control.

Commercial pest control service

When it comes to commercial pest policies, most industries rightfully endorse a zero-tolerance policy which has to be adhered to. The problem is, most commercial sectors are at risk of developing a pest infestation due to the presence of food and water in certain work and storage areas.…

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Top 5 Plumbing Considerations for Business Owners

Whether you are a small, medium or large scale business, it is always important to mitigate losses. By being economically fluid and understanding your working capital ratio, it will allow you to have disposable revenue for any unforeseen problems that may occur.

Commercial plumber fixing a faucet

Every business will face different challenges when starting up, although brick and mortar businesses can have a higher costs when starting, and more things to consider than an online business. You might not have thought of this initially, but when you’re considering a new premises for your business, you need to ensure it’s a solid choice from top to bottom.…

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Identifying the Best Security Option for your Business

Australia is one of the safer countries in the world for businesses to operate in. Most Australian business operators have the confidence to maintain the success of their business without being exposed to major security risks that affects their business’s premises.

Business premise security padlock

Even though the risk is much smaller compared to other countries, businesses should implement security measures that can prevent, deter or help them better manage the security of their business premises. In industries such as banking and finance, mining, hospitality, healthcare, there is a need to have strong security measures in place that will prevent the threat of theft or damages that could further negatively impact the business’s operations.…

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How to Facilitate a Successful Crane Lift

Crane lifting is something that is so incredible to watch, and when the cargo is performing a graceful arc through the air, it’s all too easy to think that using a crane and driving a load around must be this graceful, a simple thing that just happens. As I’m sure you’re aware, there’s a whole lot more that goes into making a safe and successful crane lift happen.

All terain crane lift

I was watching some cranes in Melbourne recently and was enjoying the sight of some cranes performing this very graceful art of shuffling items around on a building site. It was a great thing to watch as the drives moved and lifted with clockwork precision and painstakingly excellent attention to detail.…

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Factors to Consider in Choosing eCommerce Solutions

Previously, large-scale, medium and small entrepreneurs could not imagine that a particular business could easily be built without having the traditional brick and mortar settings. Thanks to the inception of the internet, now it is possible for the owners of small and even large businesses to enjoy several advantages by operating their businesses online. There are even companies who are operating without having any physical locations.

eCommerce solutions

Thanks to the Internet, consumers worldwide can have 24/7 access to your products and services – online. So, what are you going to do, as a retail store owner, to respond to the trend – and opportunity?…

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