3 Ways to Make Your Small Business Look More Professional

As a small business, it can be difficult for you to feel like you can compete with larger, more established businesses in your same field. From the money they have to spend to the years they have on you of building their brand and reputation, it can be very discouraging when you have to go up against some of these big dogs. And if you’re not doing everything you can to look as professional as the bigger businesses, you’re not doing yourself any favors either.

Beauty shop business owner

But if you truly have something that your big name competition doesn’t, you deserve to be in the market just as much as they do.…

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8 Business Ideas to Start at University

At the University there is a lot of time at the student’s disposal yet most of them are always broke. It is wise to think of possible, feasible business ideas one could venture into to make some cash. The big companies like Google and Microsoft started off from a basic idea, and the business sprouted to eminence.

College students

To do my university essay, I have explored multifaceted business ideas that a student can engage in while at the University. Prior to deciding on the specific business ideas to settle on since they are many, it is logical to conduct research on what people need.…

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3 Ways HR Can Improve the Functionality of Your Business

To be a truly valuable human resources professional, you have to bring something to the table that no other person on your executive board is capable of. While you or your CEO may have initially seen your role as little more than understanding the rules of the company and making sure you’re in compliance with larger, national rules, having a more business-oriented role in your company can be a huge asset in every area. To learn how, here are three ways that someone in HR can improve the overall functionality of a business.

Human resource department

A Better Trained Staff

One traditional and important way that human resources professionals can improve the functionality of a business is to create a more proactive and competent staff.…

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Data Backup and Recovery: Essential Strategies for Small Businesses

For a business of any size, data storage and information handling are two of the most important aspects of operations in the modern commercial world.

For small businesses, these two elements can be even more vital. This is because the resources that are available to them on a day-to-day basis may be far more restricted than those of major corporate-level rivals.

Data backup and recovery

Today, clients, customers, and consumers take the matter of data security extremely seriously. Recent studies have shown that breaches or leaks from a company of personal details it holds can be extremely damaging to its reputation and lead to customers moving away.…

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How Successful Entrepreneurs Deal with Pressure, Get Stuff Done, and Enjoy Life

The life of an entrepreneur is both exciting and challenging. There would be times when you will be pressured to perform. However, this is one of the great things about becoming your own boss. At the end of the day, your success is up to how you perform in times of high pressure.

Successful young entrepreneur on the phone

Here are several different ways in which entrepreneurs can deal with the pressure and enjoy their lives.

Think Long Term

It is vital to think long term when you own your own business. This will force you to make decisions that are good for your business over the long haul.…

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Marketing a New Product: Strategies to Create Brand Awareness

As a new product designer or product-focused entrepreneur, the most important part of your job is, of course, coming up with a great product in the first place. But of course, this alone does not guarantee success and marketing that product should be approached with just as much thought and care as the initial design if you want it to go out into the world and take its rightful place alongside other items that are now household names.

Promoting new product

Once you’ve developed a brilliant product, you need to make the world aware of it and also make them see why they need it.

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DDoS Attacks Taking Aim at Linux – But is it a Linux Problem, or a Human One?

There’s a certain amount of cackling that happens when one operating system has a vulnerability exposed, is hit with a major security breach or is targeted by attackers while other operating systems go untouched. It isn’t malicious, it’s more a matter of rivalry. Windows vs. Mac OS X vs. Linux is a tale as old as the digital age.

DDoS attack in progress

However, when it comes to the XOR botnet which is composed of infected Linux computers that’s taking aim at up to 20 targets a day with potent DDoS attacks, non-Linux users may need to hit pause on any feelings of superiority. Here’s what you need to know about the XOR botnet, the human error element, and how to keep from contributing to or getting hit with a DDoS attack.…

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Don’t Pay Too Much for International Currency Transfers

As a small business owner who deals in international transactions, your transition into this mode of business was likely a gradual one. Nobody goes from regional to national to international all at once. The slow, intermittent nature of your growth into a truly international market causes a lot of small business entrepreneurs to lose a lot more money on these transactions than is necessary.

International currency transfer

That’s one of the major problems about small business. Without achieving the benefits of economies of scale, it’s easy for a solopreneur or even a manager to perform an international transaction in a way that isn’t as efficient as possible.…

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5 Kinds of Insurance Every Business Needs

You already have at least one kind of insurance. You probably have auto insurance to protect your car and cover your liability if you get into an accident.

You might have home insurance to protect your real estate. You might even have life or other types of insurance to protect yourself financially. All forms of insurance share something in common: They protect your investment and ensure you aren’t ruined in the event of an unexpected twist of fortune.

Business insurance protection

Protect Your Business

It’s not hard to anticipate an “unexpected turn” like a house fire or an auto accident, but for some reason, many entrepreneurs fail to plan for the bad things that can happen in business, as well.…

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Election Season Law: The Offline and Online Legal Threats of Donald Trump

As you certainly know, real estate mogul turned reality star, Donald Trump, is running for president. And though the “fire-happy” billionaire is a hit amongst some people, not everyone is enamored by his personality – including Fox News, an anti-tax initiative and an online e-tailer.

Donald Trump, Presidential Campaign 2016

But in true Donald fashion, he is not taking the criticism quietly. Instead, he’s lashing back via Twitter and threatening lawsuits.

Is the presidential hopeful on the right side of his current feuds? Or are his legal assertions just political theatrics?

Fox News Faux Pas Elicits FCC Demand From Trump

Perhaps unexpectedly, one of Trump’s main rivals is Fox Newser, Rich Lowry.…

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