Workplace Fire Safety: 5 Things to Improve

Did you know that 40 percent of businesses never reopen following a natural disaster, like a fire? Indeed, workplace fires can be devastating – not only to your employees and everyone else who are in your business premise but also to your company.

It is clearly your responsibility to prevent workplace fires – neglecting it can cost you a lot, even can land you to prison!

Blocked emergency exit

Fortunately, workplace fires are not something that business owners can’t prevent. The key is in the planning and plan execution.

To help you out, here are five things to consider when planning for or improving your company’s fire safety procedures:


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3 Reasons Why Custom Logo Design is Recommended for Any Business

Most business managers do not actually know that much about all the aspects that have to be taken into account when dealing with a company. Unfortunately, elements that are really important are seen as completely unimportant. This lack of knowledge can easily lead towards a loss of profits, which is not something that you want. You will need to seriously consider custom logo design since this will aid a lot in the overall success of your company.

Harley Davidson logo

We can say that there are many things that can be mentioned about logo design and we can end up talking about the subject for a really long period of time.…

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7 Great Tips for Maintaining Good Client Relationships

In most industries, you need to have a touch of selfishness in your nature to be good at sales. After all, you have to beat out the competition to get those accounts signed. At the end of your pitch, you’ll either win or lose. Even when working closely with a team of other marketing and sales agents, your goal should always be the brightest shining light in the room, the super-seller that everyone else wants to be like.

Business client relationship

Having the winning, super-competitive, relentless drive needed to meet and exceed quotas every month will get you the sales. It won’t, however, help you hang on to that crucial big fat twenty-percent of clients who’ll keep company bank accounts filled with cash.…

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5 Ways to Improve your Recruitment Processes

For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in any field, the process of finding, attracting and keeping the right employees can be crucially important and can make a major contribution to overall competitiveness. Just take a look at these employer branding examples.


With that in mind, here are five ways that SMBs can aim to improve their recruitment processes.

1. Take the process seriously

There are no shortage of potential distractions for SMB bosses or management staff at any company but it’s important not to overlook or underestimate the significance of the recruitment process.

Time, resources and the right people need to be committed to finding and appealing to quality candidates if you want to ensure that your company keeps standards high throughout its workforce.…

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Choosing The Right Courier for your Business: 4 Things to Consider

Whether deliveries are a primary function of your business, or you are expanding to include home delivery services, choosing the right courier that offers an appropriate delivery service is vital. Sending every parcel individually, relying on standard delivery services, and only offering basic delivery means that your potential customers could look elsewhere for a more convenient and more beneficial alternative.


Finding a reliable courier

Finding the right courier shouldn’t be hard: Just choose the one that offer the most delivery options, as well as features that are specifically developed for a B2B relationship.  So, what a reliable courier should be offering to its partner (read: you)?…

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Pay Attention to The Little Things that Motivate your Team

Have you seen the movie The Internship? It stars Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson as basically failed salesmen of an older generation that apply for an internship at Google. Along with a younger generation they learn the ropes of the internet world, but what stands out is the treatment of the interns and employees by the company itself.

The internship

Imagine a workplace where employees are happy, love to work, have fun on the job, and actually get the job done. This supposedly somewhat based on the truth movie shows a company that gives all of that to their employees, and they do it in the simplest ways.…

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3 Tips to Lead you to Financial Success for your Small Business

Owning and operating a business can be a challenge. There are a lot of expenses that you are responsible for. Unexpected things can happen, such as property damage or a bad quarter. For some unexpected things you can simply talk to an insurance agent, but not everything can be solved with insurance.

Businessman creates financial plan

In order for your business to be a success, you have to have a good financial plan. There are a few basic things you can do to help ensure that your business does well:

1. Budget

It can be a difficult task to budget for your business.…

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The Multifaceted vs The Veteran: A Comparison of GetResponse and ConstantContact

Email marketing is without a doubt one of the best ways to generate new leads and establish communication with potential customers. Thanks to the multitude of email marketing services available now, doing it is no longer as tedious and limited as it was in the past. You can easily find good web-based services to help you undertake massive email marketing campaigns involving tens of thousands of contacts or subscribers.

GetResponse vs. ConstantContact

The question is: which specific email marketing service should you use? For this discussion, the focus will be on two of the most common services: GetResponse and ConstantContact. Which is better?…

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Strategies to Stop Worker Negligence and Protect Your Company’s Data

Data breaches have been in the news a lot lately. Not a week goes by when we don’t hear about another devastating breach, and it is often only the big breaches of well known companies like eBay that make the headlines.

Incorrect password funny

It can happen to your organization as well, no matter how small it is – and the results can be devastating. But did you know that the biggest risk to your company’s data often comes from employees?

You may take excellent precautions such as getting ISO 27001 certification, and this will help you to run a more secure organization. But human error often presents the biggest risk.…

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Choosing the Right Forex Broker

Forex or FX market is actually an abbreviation of two words – foreign and exchange. Basically, this is a foreign currency market. The volume of trading in the Forex market sometimes exceeds 6 billion dollars. So, it is no surprise why so many people want to be part of this type of trading.

Forex broker

Forex brokerge 101

One of the first things that you should do in order to start working on Forex is to open an account with the help of a forex broker. That’s why choosing the right forex broker is important. Before we go into details, it is good to explain what does this term actually mean and how can you get involved in the trading process with the help of such broker. …

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