Employee Surveillance: Boosting Productivity or Breaching Privacy?

In the digital age, employee surveillance has become an increasingly common practice across various industries. From monitoring emails and internet usage to tracking physical movements and productivity metrics, employers are leveraging technology to keep tabs on their workforce.

Employee surveillance

While proponents argue that employee surveillance can enhance productivity and protect company assets, critics raise concerns about privacy infringement and the potential for creating a culture of mistrust. This article explores the complexities of employee surveillance, examining its benefits, drawbacks, and the ethical implications, while offering strategies for balancing productivity and privacy in the workplace.

The Rise of Employee Surveillance

The use of surveillance in the workplace is not a new phenomenon.…

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3 Employee Productivity Strategies You Should Implement in 2022

Productive and engaged employees are at the very heart of any successful company. But unfortunately, in most companies, the average employee is productive for less than three hours per day. And with that level of productivity, achieving the goals you set out and solving problems to propel the business forward becomes much more difficult.

Productivity strategy

photo credit: Alexandr Podvalny / Unsplash

However, blaming employees for being ‘lazy’ or ‘unmotivated’ is not the answer, either. In fact, it’s on the companies themselves to create an environment that nurtures productivity, creativity, and collaboration. There are relatively simple strategies and policies you can implement right now that will allow you to find out exactly how your team is spending their time and what you can do to use that time more effectively.…

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8 Proven Ways to Increase Employee Productivity at work

Let’s face it: ensuring maximum employee efficiency is one of the biggest concerns of many Business owners and Managers these days.

Productive employees with high morale

It is practically impossible to lead a team with different temperament and views and not have any clashes and miscommunication. All this hinders the efficiency of the employees. Needless to say, getting everyone on the same page is not a piece of cake.

So, how do you ensure optimum efficiency from the employees?

Here are 8 proven ways you need to know about how to increase productivity at work.

1. Provide your team with proper Communication apps

It does not matter whether your team is working remotely or under the same roof, having proper communication tools can help the team members to be on the same page.…

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Top 8 Tips to Increase Employees’ Productivity

Growth in business is a vital target that every business owner wishes to achieve. The key to helping grow your business lies in the fact that your employees are content and motivated, which eventually drives them to be more productive. High productivity can lead to greater corporate profits and improved individual income.

Productive employees

Adopting small changes to better habits will enormously elevate the level of productivity and workplace efficiency. Consequently, in a shorter period, more quality work can be done and curtail the time spent on unnecessary tasks. A company will then turn the capital into revenues, paying stakeholders, and retain cash flows for sustainable development and growth.…

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How to Improve Employee Morale and Productivity

A person’s emotional and mental wellbeing impacts their quality of work. That is a given. It is why benefits extend beyond healthcare and go into what wellness bonuses employees will receive. A gym membership, for example, or perhaps a wellness retreat at the end of the year.

Productive employees with high morale

Improving employee morale and productivity needs to be done in several stages. You need to care for their wellbeing, yes, but you must also help them progress. They need to feel like they have a viable future with your company if they are to stay.

To help you reach the goal of a productive and hard-working staff, you’ll want to follow this guide:

Improve the Office Environment

The office is where employees spend a good chunk of their day and it should, therefore, be one that is comfortable to work in.…

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How to 3x Your Productivity (with More Free Time) in Less Than 30 Days

Most of us work too hard for too little. We’re slowly being pushed to get more done with less. We spend more time at work with our co-workers than we do with our loved ones. Day-by-day, we’re asked to do more and more, while we’re compensated with less and less. Yet, oddly enough our productivity is actually decreasing. We’re not getting the right kind of work done. We’re not all that productive.

Productive businesswoman

Sound familiar? No wonder we’re exhausted. Why would anyone want to triple their productivity in 30 days when they’re crushed under these work conditions?

Overwork: The hidden key to success?

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Key Findings About Workplace Behavior From The TalentLMS Gamification Survey

A new survey published by a learning management systems company has found the stunning benefits of gamification in the workplace. The report published by TalentLMS was prepared after surveying nearly 400 employees in the age range of 18 to 69 years with a mean age of 36. Here are a few key findings from the survey.

Learning through gamification

Impact of gamification on productivity

One of the primary objectives of using gamification is to improve employee engagement and overall productivity. The TalentLMS study found that an overwhelming 87 percent of surveyed participants believed that gamification has helped them improve productivity at work. This is a near eight percentage points jump up from a similar survey conducted in 2014 when 79% of the participants responded in the affirmative.

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How Small Businesses can Monitor Employee Productivity

As a business owner, you’ve likely encountered low productivity from your staff. Low employee productivity is a business problem that affects every organization large and small.

Unproductive employee

In many cases, owners may feel they are not getting enough output from an employee for the salay paid. It can be even more challenging to identify if you have an employee productivity issues if you have no means or framework for monitoring employee productivity.

Below are a few helpful methods that you can use to monitor employee productivity.

Employee Support

Employees engage in work processes with the information they have. Today’s productivity shortages is often the result of either lack of information or information overload.…

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Why Everyone Needs a Flexible Working Schedule

Being shackled to a dead-end nine-to-five job isn’t exactly what every high school or college graduate expects after wrapping up their student life, but such is the grim reality we face, given that most companies still mandate their employees to operate under these circumstances.

Flexible working

There is no room for compromise and definitely no potential for growth if one were to choose this career path, even if one were to decide to jump from one traditional company to another. The glass ceiling will always be there.

Flexible working, more control

But the times are changing, and so, too, are business models, with work-from-home structures and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) on the rise.…

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Does Clothing at Work Impact Employee Productivity?

The clothing you wear at work may have an impact on your daily productivity levels. If you want to do well on the job, you have to plan your outfits out in a meticulous and careful manner. Failing to do so can often lead to results that are less than desirable.

Businessman wearing business suit

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of classic mens business suits or more casual and easygoing attire. You have to make sure to dress for success every morning.

Attire impacts productivity

Attire can often influence peoples’ alertness levels. Studies indicate that people may be more alert and vigilant when they’re dressed in less casual manners.…

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