How to Grow Your Startup Without Losing Your Vision

Growing a startup is an exhilarating challenge that blends ambition, innovation, and risk. Entrepreneurs often face the tough task of scaling their businesses without straying from the core vision that originally fueled their passion.

Startup team discussing expansion

Here’s a guide to help you expand your startup effectively while keeping your foundational values and vision intact.

1. Define and Reaffirm Your Vision

Your vision is the cornerstone of your startup. It’s what sets you apart from competitors and drives your business forward. As you scale, it’s vital to clearly define and often reaffirm this vision.

Make it a part of your company culture, and communicate it regularly to your team and stakeholders.…

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Simple Basics For Small Business Startups

2020 Proofing Your Small Business

Startup management

There is a vast amount of people who are realizing that branching out on their own in a business venture is well worth leaving behind being the backbone for someone else’s gain. Working for yourself is definitely not easy and the hours are well beyond the normal nine to five grind of being someone else’s employee. However, for a lot of new business startups, it’s worth the risk.

With so many people joining the new business sector, how do you keep your own investments from tanking? It’s a super frequent question that every small business owner asks in the beginning and answers aren’t as hard to acquire as you would think.…

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Learn How to Grow an Efficient Startup Business

Starting and running a startup business is overwhelming. There are many things to learn or to know – from picking a talented, diverse team; launching your product or service fast; understanding your users to let your idea evolve. On top of that, if you are attempting to capitalize on a product or service for which you believe there is a demand, you must also think ahead and learn how to grow your startup business.

Achieving startup business growth efficiently

However, growing your business is inevitably linked with keeping it efficient and profitable. These two processes are interconnected. If you have started small, but aim to be big, these are the three basic things you need to master.…

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4 Ways to Effectively Use CRM to Grow Your Startup

As the CEO of a growing business, you probably already know how a customer relationship management (CRM) system can help you scale your startup. But while you understand that keeping your valued customers happy is important to the growth of your business, you might not be completely sure how to use your CRM to its full potential.

A startup founder is using a CRM tool

In order to stay as connected to your customers as you can and help your new company to flourish, consider these suggestions for using your CRM:

Stay on Top of CRM Updates

If you have invested in a CRM, you know quite well that this type of program is agile and easy to use.…

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3 Lead Generation Tactics That Can Give Startups a Big Boost

Lead generation is key when starting up a business. The rule is simple: More leads equal more sales (given you can convert those leads well, though…) However, to make lead generation work, you need some tactics.

There are plenty of lead generation tactics you can adopt, but I’d suggest you to focus on just three tactics: Ringless voicemail, Facebook ads and online referral program.  Here’s a brief explanation on each.

Business smartphone

1. Ringless voicemail

Ringless voicemail is a technology that delivers voicemail messages to cellular phones without actually calling them. Ringless voicemail contacts a provider of a cellular service via a business landline and delivers voicemails thought the landline.…

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Tips to Nurture a Growth-Oriented Startup Culture

“A company’s culture is the foundation for future innovation. An entrepreneur’s job is to build the foundation”

– Brian Chesky, Airbnb.

Startup culture


For MNCs and other big players, having a great culture is just an additional feature, but for startups, having a great work culture – strong and growth-oriented, is a necessary element of success, be it for employee retention or for innovation.

Nurturing a growth-oriented culture is mainly dependant on the core values of the startup and the work force.

It is crucial to work on building your startup DNA early on. Here are some tips to build a strong work culture:


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4 Tips for Maintaining Growth as a Startup

The very earliest days of starting up a new business will inevitably be challenging for the founders involved at the sharp end, regardless of the goals being set or the markets being targeted. But once a measure of growth and success has been achieved, there are new challenges to overcome and a new array of pitfalls to avoid.

Startup cofounders

Here’s a look at a few ways in which a fledgling company might aim to maintain growth and develop consistently into a business with a sustainable future.

1. Avoid making too many promises

Having ambitions to grow is essential as a startup but it can be just as important for a new company’s founders not to promise more than they are capable of delivering.…

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