Tips for Getting an Underperforming Team Back on Track

When a team member starts to perform poorly it will affect your company’s business but when the whole team slips off track it can be a lot more serious.

In this sort of situation it is important to take the initiative and try to resolve the problems as soon as you can. Thankfully, there are some simple and sensible tips to let you do this quickly and efficiently. The following are some excellent ideas for getting back on track as soon as possible.

Lead your team to get back on track

Talk to Them More

A common problem in many businesses is that the staff feel that their bosses don’t talk to them enough.…

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5 Benefits of Project Management

SMB CEOs – if you want to get things done within your company, you need to set every goal as a project, and projects need to be managed for the best results. Let’s explore project management benefits, shall we?

Project management

On a contrary to what people believe, project management is not only about new product launch or customers’ orders.

Let’s define “project”: It’s a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product, service or result (source.)

Launching a new store is a project. Recruiting new employees is a project. Improving your IT system is a project.

As you can see, everything needs to be considered as projects.…

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How to Attract and Retain the Best Talent in 2014

Back in 1997, McKinsey wrote the ‘War on talent’. They observed and predicted that hiring and keeping the best people was the biggest challenge for business. But, since 2008 and the (almost) global recession, the war seems to have been more easily fought. The balance of power shifted. Suddenly, employers had the upper hand and they had a choice of candidates who would work under pretty much any conditions.

Attracting and retaining top talents

Six years later, in 2014, the pendulum is swinging back in favour of the employee. Suddenly employers can’t find high calibre candidates quickly enough. Wages are rising and there are murmurs of discontent amongst existing staff.…

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Use Specialists and Technology for Best Business Structure

Businesses in America are becoming increasingly aware that combining the latest in technology with in-house human resources staff is the key to maintaining all-round success.

Some companies have chosen to get rid of their human resources departments but experts say that this is a mistake that could have serious implications for the future of these businesses.

human resources

Why is it happening?

As managers see more highly effective, easy to use human resources software coming on to the market, some are taking the opinion that it is now more cost-effective and productive to outsource or automate personnel-related tasks, such as the administration of payroll.…

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Your Employees are Clients, Too: Why You Should Gift Them Accordingly

Do you remember the last time you received something special at the office? I’ll bet it made your day.

Sending gifts to clients around the holidays or to say “thank you” has become routine, yet we rarely consider doing the same for employees. And if you’re not including employees on your gift list, you’re missing out on an opportunity to add value to your business by encouraging and supporting your staff.

Thank you gift from Superman

Recognizing an employee’s efforts is a simple yet powerful way to boost performance. Employees who feel appreciated tend to work harder and remain loyal to their employers, and giving also works as an incentive for others who see that you appreciate and reward exceptional work.…

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Education For Small Business Owners – Finding The Right Course

You are well aware by now that running a successful business is not as simple as turning ideas to a reality. The market is tough. As the colossal coldness runs through your bowels, you want to do anything you can to take the leap.

Educational resources can help you evolve and grow – they range from taking expert-taught courses to completing a masters or other advanced degree. However, pursuing these courses via traditional structured education can often be impractical for small business owners. The good news? Growth of online education is changing all that.

Learning online

With the availability and flexibility of online programs, it’s a perk that small and midsize company CEOs may want to consider, for themselves and for key personnel, informs Richard Skolnik, State University of New York’s dean of the business school.…

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Disability in the Workplace: What to Expect From Your Employer

Disabled individuals interested in joining the workforce should have certain expectations of their employers. Depending on your disability, your employer will need to provide appropriate amenities. Before starting a new job, don’t be afraid to tell your boss exactly what you’ll need to be comfortably accommodated in your new workplace.

Businesswoman on a wheelchair

Disability Insurance

Before agreeing to work for a certain business, make sure they offer comprehensive disability insurance. This type of insurance is important for nondisabled hires but it is of particular import to disabled employees who are more prone to workplace-related illness and injury. Disability insurance ensures employees who are unable to work as a result of on-the-job ailments are given a monthly cash payment.…

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5 Recruitment Tips to Boost Your Small Business

Employees are the lifeblood of any business.

Indeed, recent figures from the Federation of Small Businesses found 15 per cent of small companies are looking to recruit new employees in the next few months.

recruitment tips

What’s more, with business confidence on the rise, around two thirds of firms expect growth in the course of this year, with one in four planning to increase investment.

But what does this mean for your small business?

Well, with signs pointing to continued expansion, it’s unavoidable that your firm will be hiring new staff in the coming weeks and months.

However, if you’re a little uncertain about what to expect and how to cope with this projected growth, our top five tips are here to ease the pain …

Use a Recruitment Agency

Running a business takes a lot of time and effort – which is why you can relieve some of the strain by using a recruitment agency to source your new staff.…

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7 Reasons to Outsource Employee Management

Running a business is complex, a situation only complicated by globalization. Since World War II international competition has been steadily increasing in nearly every sector. Digitization has simultaneously simplified and further complicated the situation. Even small and medium-sized business can have employees on multiple continents, interconnected by conference calls and serving customers in several languages.

Outsourcing employee management

This presents its own challenges; following employment regulations in only one of the fifty states can often be exhausting. The peace of mind provided by consulting a trained individual in the complexity of employee resource management far outweighs the costs. Here’s a list of subjects that can be handled by a professional to outsource the stress.…

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How to Interpret MBA Salary Data

It should come as no surprise to anyone that earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree opens the door to a new realm of opportunities. A 2010 study in the Journal of Education for Business found that the MBA graduates saw a 41 percent increase in their overall pay in the first year after graduation and an additional 56 percent increase within five years. Looking at those numbers, it’s easy for one to expect that putting in the time and effort to get an advanced business degree is the first step on the path to a six-figure salary.

MBA Salary Guide

In fact, it’s the promise of greater earning power that compels many prospective students to take the plunge and enroll in an MBA program.…

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