How Behaviour Science Can Help Solve Our Global Energy Crisis

It’s no secret that Australia, and indeed the world, is undergoing an energy crisis like never before. Our state and federal governments continue to make the argument that coal is the way to go, even as the threat of blackouts looms over us every summer. Despite this, a recent report has seen Australian chief scientist Alan Finkel reminded us that the Australian energy crisis could be seeing a resolution in as little as three years – but that coal use is not the answer, no matter how much our politicians seem to think it is.

Behavioural science for solving enery crisis

And while it’s a common thought that there’s not much you as an individual can do to change the face of the globe, the fact with energy is that it’s exactly the actions of everyday people and companies who are making a difference.…

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5 Aspects Every Business Website Should Display

Building an effective business website takes a delicate mixture of several concepts of business. You must effectively represent your brand, call your viewers to take action, and maintain the interest of web users in only a few seconds. It may sound like a tall order, but business web design is not as hard as you think.

Accessing business website

Those who have designed before you have figured out a sort of equation that seems to work best. The good news is that just a few minutes of your time will reveal their findings. Take a moment to read through this short synopsis of a few aspects every business website should display, and get started on your design now.…

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Insights for Small Businesses with Exposure to Foreign Exchange Risks

Small businesses seeking to grow their bottom lines often have to look for opportunities beyond their immediate markets. Many small businesses looking for growth often forge strategic alliances for international exposure. Some small businesses find suppliers in foreign markets in order to create a competitive advantage. Other small businesses hire professionals in foreign countries or market their products and services to buyers in other countries.

Foreign exchange risks

Interestingly, when it is time to create financial accounts, many business owners with international exposure are surprised that their top and bottom lines are not impressive. A small business with foreign exposure can still lose money despite the fact that they have excellent products, sold at decent margins, and with good marketing strategy in place.…

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Business Benefits of Making People Comfortable

One of the ways that you can make your business better for your clients is if you focus on making customers comfortable. This means thinking about different sensory input that a person might be going through, and trying to control it as much as possible to get people into a pocket of being happy in their physical location.

Comfortable meeting with a client

A few ways that you can do this include getting your outdoor heating right, controlling your indoor lighting, creating a comfortable meeting environment between yourself and potential clients, and always fighting for that competitive edge when it comes to the small details.

Getting the Outdoor Heat Right

If you’ve ever been in outdoor seating at a restaurant in the cold weather, then you know how quickly things can become uncomfortable.…

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5 Smart Blogging Tips for CEOs

Blogs play a crucial role in online marketing for businesses of all sizes. While most companies pay writers to handle these posts, some prefer to take a more personal approach. As the CEO of your company, you have more knowledge and insight to share than just about any member of your team.

Blogging CEO

If you’re going to roll up your sleeves and do the dirty work of blogging, use five these tips to make sure you do it right.

1. Use Big Data to Support Your Ideas

People love data. People also want to know that there’s some truth to the claims you make in your blog posts.…

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6th Tax Compliance for Financial Institutions

From 7th to 9th November, Hermes bank representatives reaffirmed their commitment to regulatory transparency by turning their attention to adopting CRS updates and sustaining FATCA compliance.

Tax compliance for financial institutions

The 6th Annual Tax Compliance conference held at Times Square, New York brought together a global pool of acclaimed professionals in their field. In attendance, the bank benefited from the experience of industry experts from international players such as BNP Paribas, JPMorgan Chase, BNY Mellon, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Citi, Thomson Reuters and others as well as the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).

In preparation for the inaugural year of country by country reporting the bank continues to examine FATCA and CRS requirements from various perspectives to mitigate risk and adopt industry best practices.…

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Why It is Dangerous to Keep Extending Debt Collection Time Frames

In the movies, debt collectors are thuggish, scary-looking individuals who hound consumers and threaten them with shame and physical harm. In the real world, unless of course, you borrowed from the mob, your debt collector is more likely to be a polite, well-dressed professional who will talk to you nicely with a sprinkling of legalese.

Debt collection

As a debt collector, the first thing you should do when you contact a debtor is to tell them what their rights are. Let them know that they can legally challenge their debt so that they don’t feel bullied or trapped. Then inform, clearly, of how much they owe, who they owe it to, and when the debt is due.…

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Why Most Businesses are Keen to Establish a Strong Online Presence

Accessing the internet is like getting in and out of your house or calling someone on the other end. It is simple and offers the best platform for users to connect. With the mobile technology quickly advancing, people visit their social media accounts using their mobile phones. This means that, by tapping into that market, you will be able to propel your business to greater heights.

Online presence

It’s imperative for your business to establish a strong online presence. And in the process, you may need to outsource the online marketing roles to the best SEO Company locally in order to get the most of your effort.…

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5 Popular Online Trading Opportunities to Consider

Online trading has now pretty much changed how traders, brokerages, and exchanges do business with each other. What once required dozens of phone calls for the investor and hundreds of calls a day for the average broker to facilitate, is now neatly condensed into easy-to-use online platforms that require little direct communication between the two.

Online trading

Who can trade?

Anyone can trade online. Once they find an online broker (this site has it all) that can work with their trading needs. All will charge a flat fee per trade, usually offering lower rates for student and active investors, and most requiring you to maintain a minimum balance in your account to do any kind of aggressive trading on their platform.…

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10 Common Mistakes Small Businesses Make

There are hundreds of mistakes business owners make when it comes to running their own companies. They vary from the website mistakes to incorrect usage of effective business tools.

Statistics shows that most mistakes are very common and are made almost by 95% of all business owners. Recommendations to wanna-be entrepreneurs often include what they should do to become successful in their businesses, but rarely mention what they should avoid to do, although it is equally important.

Small business owner reading newspaper

Today, we are going to talk about what we personally consider the biggest mistakes often made by small business owners. Avoiding these mistakes can save the business you are working on.…

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