Top 20 Small Business Ideas for People with Disabilities

Starting a small business can be a pathway to financial independence and personal fulfillment, especially for people with disabilities.

According to the latest NDI report, “Small Business Ownership by People with Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities,” a significant 62.5 percent of people with disabilities are outside the labor force. This highlights the importance of entrepreneurship as a vital employment option for this community.

Businesswoman with disability

With the right support, resources, and a bit of creativity, anyone can turn their passion into a successful business venture. Here, we explore twenty small business ideas that are particularly well-suited for individuals with disabilities, offering opportunities for financial independence and personal fulfillment.…

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6 Unique Small Business Ideas for Nurse Practitioners

Most people think that business owners have some special education in business, marketing, or even an MBA. The truth is that the best business owners leverage their passions and skills to design businesses that meet specific needs.

Nurse practitioners

Nurse practitioners have a wealth of knowledge and are often passionate patient advocates who have ideas beyond simply working in a hospital, nursing home, or other care facilities for the rest of their lives. Their entrepreneurial spirit makes them the perfect small business owners.

When partnered with the right idea, the right team, and the right education, there are plenty of business opportunities available to nurses.…

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Small Business Ideas for Blue-Collar Types

Do you dream of owning your own business but can’t stomach the idea of wearing a suit and tie? Are you someone who wants to make your own hours and loves to work hard? If so, you might think you’re too blue-collar to start a small business all by yourself. But that’s simply not true. The reality is there are several great business ideas for blue-collar types.

Car repair shop

The following are seven to consider:

1. Automotive

In case you haven’t noticed, car sales are through the roof. That means millions of motorists who sooner or later will need maintenance and repairs done.…

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7 Top Small Business Ideas for 2021

2020 has been an eventful year in many aspects. Many businesses survived while many incurred losses. The pandemic has been a reality check for most business owners.

The most important lesson that all of us learned is that the world is going online, and we need to keep up with the pace. Hence, if you have had a business idea for a long time, you need to reevaluate it now. Will your business be able to survive in the post COVID world?

Managing new business

If you’re clueless about small business ideas that can be profitable in 2021, then worry not as we’ve got you covered.…

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Creative Small Business Ideas For 2017

Entrepreneurs decide to set out on their own in the world for many different reasons. Some people are seeking out a supplemental income to go along with their normal 9-to-5 job, so they can afford to do that DIY project at home. Some people are seeking to get out from under “the man,” and blaze their own trails in life.

Creative business idea

You may be slathered in ambition, but ambition alone will not build a successful small business. There has to be an excellent idea to build upon. The good news is that you are in luck. Here is a quick look into a few stellar small business ideas for 2017.…

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5 Inexpensive Small Business Ideas For 2017

Starting up a small business is not as complicated as one might initially believe., a popular dating site, started from $50 and a Twitter account. It is easier than ever before to build a home-based business from scratch. The internet revolutionized the world of business for entrepreneurs. Technology gave the average person a shot at financial freedom.

Pet sitting business idea

In 2017, small business is booming for those willing to invest their time and energy. The key to success is to discover the least expensive way to provide a product or service with the highest return. Many entrepreneurs have battled their way to financial success by utilizing this simple formula.…

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5 Excellent New Year Business Ideas

A new year is a great opportunity for a fresh start. If you want your 2017 to be a big success, you should think about exploring your plentiful options in exciting business opportunities.

Dog walker

There are many business ideas out there that are suitable for all personality types and interests. Ambitious, dedicated, driven and motivated people can reach for the stars in 2017 by launching businesses that are fully in line with their abilities and skills.…

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6 SMB Ideas That Were Impossible 10 Years Ago

In his interview with the Texas CEO Magazine earlier this year, the former general manager of IBM’s Watson project, Manoj Saxena, identified four big inflection points in human history – the alphabet, the printing press, the internet and machine learning.

App development

The internet has truly been a paradigm-shifting presence in our lives and among other aspects of reality it has transformed irretrievably; it has turned the world of business into something truly different. Of course, it isn’t only the internet that has influenced all the huge changes in the world of business and they have been huge, do not be fooled.

For one, today, budding entrepreneurs can start small businesses that didn’t even exist as concepts just 10 years ago.…

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3 Small Business Ideas Available In The Beauty Industry

Starting a small business can often begin as just a side job for additional income. Many people are looking for some cash on the side and have something they enjoy doing. Jobs in the beauty industry come naturally to many women and are exceedingly enjoyable. With nearly $8 billion being spent each year in the nail industry, it is clear that women enjoy the pampering and gossip that takes place in their favorite salons.

Make up artist

Fortunately, getting started as a small business owner in the cosmetology industry is fairly simple. Included here are a few of the best small business opportunities available in the beauty industry.…

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8 Small Business Ideas to Start You on the Road to Success

The idea of starting a small business is intimidating to the majority of the population.

The problem?

Fear of the unknown. It does it to us every time we try to think outside the box. Every time we try to peek out from our own little personalized cubby-hole and think about the possibility that something – an idea or skill within us may one day possibly turn into a full-time career – and make us an overnight millionaire too!

looking for small business ideas

Of course not everyone wants to be a millionaire, but making a more-than-average income is almost always part of the dream isn’t it?…

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