Top Productivity Tips for Successful CEOs

What do all CEOs have in common? A desire to be more efficient, effective, and productive in growing their company. You have a lot of stress on your shoulders as a CEO, whether you started a business from the ground-up or worked your way to the top of the corporate ladder.

Take a minute to review these tips on how to streamline your responsibilities so you can kick productivity into high gear.

Successful CEO leading a meeting

Utilize Project Management Software

An important part of being in charge means delegating tasks that you don’t have time for. Take advantage of project management software that allows you to:

  • Create tasks for coworkers
  • See what’s being accomplished
  • Keep track of who’s assigned to what task

Asana, Basecamp, and Hive are all popular programs that are a dream come true for any nit-picky CEO.…

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Ways to Deal with Negative Comments About Your Business Online

It is inevitable that you to face some people in your life that will try everything to destroy your business, as some will spread false information to prevent people from benefitting from what you have to offer. However, you can’t let them win and end the day controlling the narrative, so here are some ways to minimize the impact of their comments and come out strong.

Businessman dealing with negative comments

Determine who posted the comments

You can check if the comments came from a suspicious account. If it has, the said comment might probably be from your opponents and you’ll need to deal with the problem head-on and tell the truth.…

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5 Courses That Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur in 2019

Being a successful entrepreneur in today’s competitive and volatile business environment takes more than being innovative.

Entrepreneurs of today need to possess various business-related skill sets to stay competitive.

Businessman taking courses online

This article is meant to give the reader an idea of a few courses they should take to boost their success at business.

1. Marketing

Entrepreneurs are inherently deeply involved in marketing activities.

From trying to sell their ideas to investors to selling their products or services to consumers, an entrepreneur is always in sales mode.

Having a background in marketing is hugely beneficial for this reason.

A marketing course will help one gain valuable insights as they research how to develop products and services that people want or need.…

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A Small Business Guide to Building an Online Presence

Given the fact that technology continues to advance, small businesses will need to leverage whatever tools that come their way in order to secure a competitive advantage.

Improving web presence

True enough, it has become vital for small businesses to make full use of the Internet as a means to promote their products and services. Along these lines, building an effective web presence should be your tip priority. Still, this is something that doesn’t happen in a jiffy. As much as I would like to admit it, building an effective web presence can get highly convoluted, considering the fact that the world of online marketing is always in a state of flux.…

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The Importance Of Notarization

Some wonder what the fuss is all about when it comes to getting a legal document notarized; what it is and why it is important. Getting a document notarized by a notary public means you are getting a document verified for its identifying authenticity and its purpose. Essentially, the notarized document will protect the signer and the purpose of the document.

Legal document notarization

Today, we will discuss some examples of legal documents that need to be notarized and why it is important to do so.


Affidavits are statements that are confirmed by oath or affirmation. Affidavits are one of the most common legal documents that need to be notarized.…

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7 Great Marketing Solutions for Every Business Owner

Essentially, marketing is the whole process of attracting and influencing potential clients and customers. It is worth noting that, marketing is a “process.” Ideally, the terminology “marketing,” covers numerous activities and tasks associated with selling the services or products. The most obvious of these activities is the advertising of products.

Marketing solutions using videos

Product design and consumer research are also instrumental facets of marketing. Consumer research involves matching products or services to the consumers’ needs. Product design is, particularly, a rather complicated but crucial facet of effective marketing.

The significance of Marketing Solutions and Strategies in Business Growth

A fundamental question asked by a majority of small business owners is, why and how marketing strategies are effective in business growth.…

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A Comprehensive Guide To A Small Business Loan

Businesses of all shapes and sizes are going to need money at some point or another. Unless they’re able to increase their revenue, they’re going to be required to find money through other sources. This is why a lot of companies will take out a small business loan. This isn’t a good idea in all situations, but it will prove to be very wise in some.

Small business loan application process

Within this guide, you’re going to learn a great deal more about a small business loan and the most appropriate times to take one out.

What Is It?

First and foremost, you should learn the basics.…

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Is It Time to Find a New PEO for Your Small Business?

The benefits of using a PEO (professional employer organization) for small business are undeniable. However, not all PEO services are equal, so you need to reevaluate your partnership regularly.

Professional Employer Organization (PEO) staff

Does the company provide the exact type of help you need? Has your business outgrown its capabilities? Are there better offers available? Answering all these and some other important questions will help find the best PEO for you and ensure your business gets maximum of the benefits these services can offer.

Do You Need to Change Your PEO? 4 Signs to Watch Out For

1. The cost is getting too much

The majority of PEOs charge a fee per employee, but there are usually many factors affecting the total amount you have to pay.…

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Raising Money to Expand Your Small Business

Running your own business can be hugely rewarding and lucrative, particularly as your business starts to grow. After working hard at college and achieving good grades, it is only natural that you want to enjoy a financially rewarding future and operating your own small business is a great way to do this. However, in order to continue reaping the rewards, you need to look at expanding your business as time goes on.

Raising money for business growth

Of course, if you plan to expand your business, one of the things you need to consider is how you will raise the money to do this.

There are various options available when it comes to getting the cash you need for expansion, although the options that are open to you will depend on various factors such as your credit score and the turnover of the business amongst other things.…

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Will the Iraqi Dinar Soar This 2019?

The largest financial market in the world is the foreign exchange market. It enables currency conversion for investments and trades worldwide with its massive trading volume.

Iraqi Dinar

People are able to exchange, speculate, buy, and sell on currencies through the foreign exchange market and they are able to optimize their profits by investing in the forex market.

History Of Iraqi Dinar

Decades ago, Iraq’s economy and the currency had hit its greatest peak. The economy was rapidly growing, the treasury was increasing with foreign exchange and value of Iraq’s currency has been stable and strong. Saddam Hussein’s legacy created a long-term effect on Iraq’s economy and currency, and it continues to remain to this day.…

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