How to Rescue Your Business from the Brink of Insolvency

There’s no denying that approaching insolvency is a problem that requires immediate attention. While it can feel a little scary, the best way to fix it quickly and simply is with a targeted, focused response. In other words, don’t push it to the back of your mind and hope that it handles itself. With just a few small changes to the way that you do business, you can put your affairs in order and start to better protect your investments.

Business owner dealing with business insolvency

Whether you’re struggling to meet monthly bills, being buried by an unsuitable administrative process, or desperately lacking in credit, there are steps that you can take to turn the situation around.…

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You Have 3 Seconds to Save your Online Business!

Speed optimization and converting users to customers in the next digital era

Speed optimization

The internet age brings with it one absolute guarantee: file sizes are increasing, and content quality is improving. The result is that page load-time is under threat, and your online shop or startup faces real risk.

The Aberdeen Group reports that a 1-second delay in page load-time leads to:

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction
  • 7% loss in conversions

Amazon agrees. They report that a 100-millisecond improvement to their site speed resulted in a 1% revenue increase, while Walmart produced a 2% increase in conversions for every 1 second of improvement.…

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Improve Employee Wellbeing at your Warehouse with These Handy Tips!

Warehouse management is a tricky area for small business managers. It’s critical to the business’s supply chain and it is even more important to have a strong support network that will allow the warehouse to operate efficiently.

Warehouse employee

Warehouse employees are the heart and soul of warehouse operations. Their productivity depends on their wellbeing and ability to implement efficient processes in the supply chain. The more they improve, the more profitable the warehouse will be.

Here are some handy ways to improve employees’ wellbeing at your warehouse.

Leverage the power of solar

Natural sunlight positively impacts the moods, behaviours and health of employees.…

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How to Cut your Business’ Carbon Footprint by 30% in 60 Days

Your business has a responsibility to tackle carbon emissions. A consensus by NASA concluded that over 97% of climate scientists agreed that the Earth’s climate has increased and that urgent action is needed. The Paris Agreement on climate change is a step in the right direction with over 190 countries agreeing to implement eco-friendly changes in their economy in a bid to combat climate change.

Although it’s good that several of the world’s governments have agreed to take action, it needs to be implemented at the domestic level. Business owners need to improve the sustainability practices of their business. What most business owners fail to realise is that their stores typically account for 5% of carbon emissions, whereas the supply chain accounts for up to 65% and consumers 35%.…

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Business Tips for Doctors in Private Practice

Of all the complaints coming from med students just finishing up their degrees and getting ready to make their mark on the world of medicine, the one thing you hear over and over again is the fact that they learned little or nothing about medicine as a business. In fact, medicine is one of the leading industries in this country as well as in most other developed nations and that’s why it is imperative to teach our doctors how to run a business efficiently so as to realize a bigger profit without draining patients (and insurance providers) of their last proverbial penny.…

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Important Things to Consider Before Building a Business from Home

There are so many things to consider before building a business from home. From where in your home you’re planning to establish your business to, how you’re going to spread the word and be able to keep your work/life balance, the thought of establishing your business from home can be tricky.

Programmer working at home

Here’s a few important things to consider before you take the plunge and build yours:

The Space

First things first, establishing an area where you plan to set up your business is vital. Whether this is a home office space, converting an existing room in to an office space or a summer house in the garden, it’s important to think about where this room is in location to your family, whether you’ll be able to spend hours in there doing work without being distracted by other household tasks and whether or not the space is appropriate for the type of business you’re trying to build.…

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3 Tips for Young Millennial Leaders Managing Older Employees

The latest available Pew research showed that millennials make up over a third of the current workforce in the United States. Considering that data will soon be nearing two years old, it’s safe to say that millennials are currently the largest demographic in the workforce, and growing by the day.

Millennial business leader

Even the youngest in this group are very much at an age where they’re competent and qualified enough to work as managers.

The real challenge for this radical generation of career misfits is to find ways to be taken seriously when they’re put in a position where they’re leading older people who’ve been working longer than most millennials have been alive.…

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The Only Trade Show Marketing Checklist you Need (Infographic)

Did you know that 59 percent of trade show attendees buy after the show is over? This is the reason why many businesses do trade shows wrong. Let me explain.

Trade show rocks – but…

I attended trade shows, particularly those related to real estate, tech, and business opportunities. I enjoy looking for opportunities (and something to buy!) while observing the current state of the industry.

As I visit booths after booths, I can’t help noticing that not all the staffs are engaging, knowledgeable and helpful. I end up getting boring pitches – including those that seem to come from a snake oil salesman, to be honest with you.…

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CEOs: Here is How to Set goals – And Stick to Them

Goals: everyone does it, but how many people are actually accomplishing anything? Most likely, you’re doing it all wrong. It’s important to set goals in both your business and personal life.  It doesn’t have to be New Year’s Eve for you to need to make a change or to want to do better; this should be happening everyday.  In fact, 92% of New Year’s goals fail by January 15th, which warrants the question: what goes wrong? Why aren’t people following through on their resolutions?


There can be several different reasons for why people don’t stick to their goals, but many of these failures stem from setting the bar too high.  …

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4 Fun Office Activities to Help Bring Your Team Together

Team building activities are extremely rare in businesses outside corporations. It seems like the rich corporate giants of the world, like Walmart for instance, are more successful than small businesses for a reason.

The main reason is that despite the fact that many don’t pay their lower-level employees really well; they do know how to increase employee’s sense of morale and togetherness rather effectively.

In the context of an office environment, it’s evermore important to make sure your employees are working together cohesively, that they’re at least content working next to one another.

The following 4 team building activities are great for a spur-of-the-moment morale boost for your entire staff:


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